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她总是这样感情冲动。She has always been pathetically sentimental.

他感到有点难为情,低声下气地说,会写作。He was embarrassed. I can write, he said pathetically.

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事实上,几乎每个人都鄙视这种可怜的傲慢者。In reality, most everyone looks down on this individual and pathetically arrogant.

这当然是滥用权力,但与“伊朗门”比起来,这只是小巫见大巫。Of course it was an abuse of power, but a pathetically small one compared with Iran-Contra.

他们有非常强的免疫系统,而我们当中其他人的免疫系统就那么悲哀地虚弱吗?Do they have extraordinarily robust immune systems, and the rest of us, pathetically weak ones?

与此同时,在美国政府官方的声音已少得可怜,落后于时代。Meanwhile, official government voices in the United States have been pathetically behind the times.

悲哀的是,永无休止的天然气燃烧带来的伤害以及从未被清理的漏油对他们来说是很正常的事情。The damage from endless gas flaring and oil spills that have never been cleaned up is pathetically normal.

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“你无视我的警告”,他对人说,而女人哀婉动人地悲呼此事和她绝不相干。"You ignored My warning, " said He to man, as woman wailed pathetically that she had had nothing to do with it.

“你又在为自我苛责担心,”“我”抱怨着,“多么可怜的自我主义者!”"You're worrying about your obsessive degree of self-criticism again," whines Me. "How pathetically solipsistic."

有时,一件产品的美感和炫酷会彻底超越我们的道德感,然后很可悲地,我们被诱惑了。Sometimes, the aesthetics and cool of a product eclipse the ethics so thoroughly that we are pathetically seduced.

还有寂寞的瓦片风筝,没有风轮又放地很低,零丁地显出憔悴可怜模样。Or there may be a solitary tile-kite, without wind-wheel and flown too low, looking pathetically lonely and forlorn.

我是皮克林语法学校六人橄榄球的四分卫,我的速度着实慢,但我的胳膊很有力并且团友非常优秀,我们赢得了学校锦标赛。I was pathetically slow, but I had a pretty good arm and a pair of teammates who could really run. We won the championship at Pickering.

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他于1869年出生于一个与世隔绝的印度小镇。Born in 1869 in a backwater Indian town, he came of age on a continent pathetically subject to the West, intellectually as well as materially.

今天,即使英国人自认是正义者化身,指责发展中世界的罪过,我们朝低碳经济前进的步伐还是令人悲哀地缓慢。Even today, for all the UK's self-righteousness towards the sins of the developing world, our progress towards a low carbon economy is pathetically slow.

“温和”“微笑”的和尚从来没有停止过诽谤中国中央政府,不过悲哀的是这次他在错误的时间进行了错误的控诉。The "gentle", "smiling" monk has never stopped speaking ill of the Chinese central government, but pathetically this time he made false accusations at a wrong time.