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我不打算在这里重复所有的问题。I'm not going to rehash all that here.

他的第二本书只是他自己第一本书的“炒冷饭”作品而已。His second book is just a rehash of his first.

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他的回答只不过是把我的讲义重复了一遍。His answer is just a rehash version of my lecture.

为什么Bernard重讲书中已经讨论过的事件?Why does Bernard rehash the incidents already discussed in the book?

我称之为“EMEA区域委员会外卖”,下面是它的一次重述。Here is a rehash of what I called my EMEA Regional Council take-aways

比如,当进行诸如开车这样一个需要视觉指导的活动时,我们经常重复心理影像。For example, we often rehash mental imagery while engaging in visually guided tasks such as driving.

不要斤斤计较,怨天尤人,或者啰啰嗦嗦地解释给每个人听。Don't rehash the story, blame something or someone for the loss or explain it to everyone ad nauseam.

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不要篡改你的故事,埋怨某事或某人导致你丢了饭碗,或是令人厌恶地不停地向人解释。Don’t rehash the story, blame something or someone for the loss or explain it to everyone ad nauseam.

当安装完后,键入rehash以使FreeBSD重新读取系统路径中的文件,这样FreeBSD就能够知道该程序在哪个地方。Once it is installed type rehash to make FreeBSD reread the files in the path so it knows what is there.

对我来说,健身杂志已经开始变的无用了,因为它们只不过是一次又一次的改写同一篇文章。Fitness magazines, for me, began to seem useless, because they just rehash the same articles over and over.

我会试著不提起大都会球迷不好的回忆,但是他稍后被交易到当时的魔鬼鱼队。I'll try not to rehash too many bad memories for Mets fans, but he was later traded to the then-Devil Rays.

国防部正在寻求确保合同授予“无争议”化,以避免首次签署合同过程中的反反复复。The DoD is seeking to make the award "not contestable" to avoid a rehash of what happened with the first contract award.

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你批判他人时,或者改变那些你不能改变的已过去的事时,你会把自己宝贵的精力集中于不必要的担心上。When you criticize others, or rehash past events that you cannot change, you focus your precious energies on unnecessary concerns.

早在80年代初期,流行音乐就像是70年代迪斯科的死板、上口的翻版,只带有简短的吉他伴奏,或者是严重的依赖合成技术。Back in the early 80s, pop music was like a dead, catchy, rehash of 70's disco, but with short guitar solos or heavy reliance on synthesizers.

由于在存在大量冲突时,开放法会严重退化,而该限制会在需要时阻止重散列。Since open addressing degrades badly when there are a high number of collisions the restrictions could prevent a rehash when it's really needed.

通过负责任和采取行动,我们创造了一个强大的组合,让我们带著一点约束,抛开过去,活在当下。By taking both responsibility and action, we create a powerful combination that allows us, with a bit of discipline, to live in the present and not rehash the past.

普什卡问罗丝尼是否拿公园路的事威胁瓦立阿,罗丝尼说自己也不愿意提,但是如果瓦立阿真不同意,她就准备和他翻旧账。Pushkar asked rose, if threatened with park road tile set, rose says she is not willing to mention, but if the tile set, I dont agree, she is ready to rehash with him.

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培训内容也会因培训方的不同而各有侧重,有的重讲IT技术,有的则偏于市场分析、营销策略等。Groom content also can differ just because of grooming and each have emphasize particularly on, some rehash IT technologies, some slants to wait at strategy of market analysis, sale.