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这可以通过声明性或程序性安全来实现。You can do this through declarative or programmatic security.

新的UI控件、CSS皮肤和可编程的布局Support for new UI controls, CSS skinning, and programmatic layout

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通常,您需要使用客户端层中的程序化事务。Typically you need to use programmatic transactions in the client layer.

出于编程目的,您要将每个字段绑定到全局变量。For programmatic purposes, you will bind each field to a global variable.

当构想这栋住宅设计时,建筑师实施了计划性的方式。Architects deployed a programmatic approach when conceptualizing the home.

对于开发人员而言,可编程控制是由VDS接口来提供的。For developers, programmatic control is achieved through the VDS Interfaces.

世卫组织有必要在行政、预算和规划层面作出变革。WHO needs to change at the administrative, budgetary, and programmatic levels.

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例如,使用用户权限要求和编程角色检查。For example, by using principal permission demands and programmatic role checks.

在该例中,业务对象之间不存在程序化的关联。In the example, no programmatic associations between the business objects exist.

编程访问,支持过滤、格式化和合并本地或远程日志和跟踪。Programmatic access to filter, format, and merge local or remote logs and trace.

罗丁说,照洛克菲勒以往的老办法,这不可能发生。This could not have happened under the old programmatic approach, says Ms Rodin.

它是一个与外部通信并参与外部活动的程序单元。It is a programmatic unit that communicates and participates with the outside world.

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要执行这个程序化的操纵,您必须通过一个插件部署这个代码。To perform the programmatic manipulation, you have to deploy the code through a plug-in.

编程方法——编写特定的解析器程序来解析每种消息格式。Programmatic approach -- A specific parser program is written to parse each message format.

但是,常规主动脉瓣植入术的长期数据仍然稀缺。However, long-term data on a programmatic approach to aortic valve implantation remain sparse.

“讲话”是指导我们做好新世纪初我国宗教工作的纲领性文献。The"speech" is a programmatic document, which can lead us to do the religion work in the new ce.

建设工程项目管理规划是指导项目管理工作的纲领性文件。The project item management planning is the programmatic documents guiding project management work.

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“讲话”是指导我们做好新世纪初我国宗教工作的纲领性文献。The"speech" is a programmatic document, which can lead us to do the religion work in the new century.

一个巨大的钢铁框架形成甲板,墙壁和盖顶,它将整个元素都包裹起来。An ipe screen lines a steel exoskeleton forming deck, wall and canopy, wrapping programmatic elements.

fm所有其它节目内容将继续免费。All the programmatic elements of, like the taste-tracking "scrobbling," will remain free anywhere.