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它不再仅仅是为了新闻报道。It wasn't just for reportage anymore.

报告文学的活动是一种审美活动。The reportage is a kind of aesthetic activity.

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报告文学创作,既是一种艺术创造,也是一种社会实践。Creating reportage is bath artistic creation and social practice.

现在,他带着浓墨重彩的人工新闻报道再次涉足僵尸类型的小说。Now he revisits the zombie genre with hits much weightier faux- reportage.

报告文学在新世纪该以何态势迎接新的挑战?。In the new century, what stance should reportage take to meet new challenges?

“东方剑书系”中的一部,是纪实文学集,由18篇作品组成。One of the "oriental sword"series , including 18 pieces of reportage literature.

尹均生教授是国际报告文学学科的奠基者和开创者。Professor Yin Junsheng is the founder and pioneer of the International Reportage.

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因此,在世纪之交,报告文学必须迅速寻找到它的出路。Therefore, the reportage must find its way out quickly at the turn of the centuries.

他近期关于中国制造业的报道可以作为支撑这种观点的一个例子。His recent reportage about manufacturing in China is an example of this point of view.

一些报道认为这是美国不想对抗的迹象。Some reportage called this a sign that the Americans are pulling back from a confrontation.

媒体人在播报中显示出强大的自制力。不耸人听闻,只冷静报道。They showed magnificent restraint in the bulletins. No sensationalizing. Only calm reportage.

果真如此,卡普想象中的报导文学的“第二次黄金年代”仍将持续一段时间。If so, the "second golden age" of reportage that Kapp imagined could continue for some time to come.

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我现在也不可能使用报告文学的方式来阐述它,所以请记住,你看到的,只是一本小说。Even not I wouldn't elaborate it in reportage. Therefore, please remember you are just reading a novel.

一位中国官员曾经强烈地向我抱怨我的一些报道过分批评中国。A Chinese official once bitterly complained to me that some of my reportage was overly critical of China.

她每一天的记录都似乎包含了由自我怀疑和孤立所形成的欢欣。Her everyday reportage seems to consists of joyful epiphanies followed by periods of self-doubt and isolation.

而农业科技新闻在涉农新闻报道中有着举足轻重的作用。But agricultural science and technology news in fords in the agriculture reportage to have the pivotal function.

最后总结出了几条带有普通性的规律作为启示,以期对报告文学创作能有所禆益。Some out of the ordinary concluded with the law as inspiration, creativity can benefit with a view to reportage.

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细心研读这些作品,可以看出陈桂棣创作的基本走向和显著特点。Studying these works carefully will display the basic trends and predominant features of his reportage creation.

实践证明电视现场报道是改进电视社会新闻报道的一种有效的、主要的手段。Its well proved in practice that live reportage is an effective and major means to improve TV social news coverage.

体裁变迁尽管常常显示出不确定性,但最终却促成报告文学文体规范的清晰与明朗。Though the changing often shows uncertainty, it facilitate the distinct and clear standard of reportage eventually.