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可我不喜欢红莓汁。But I don't like cranberry juice.

蔓越橘和鲜橙汁调配的鸡尾酒,凉杯装冰镇自来水加柠檬。Cranberry and fresh orange cocktail

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把酸果蔓汁倒入平底锅中煮沸。Bring cranberry juice to boil in large saucepan.

蔓越莓沼泽湿地占据了大量的空间。Cranberry bogs consume lots of space in the marshland.

我的同事,,And,Laura,,the,woman,that,I,was,with,想要一杯海风,是蔓越莓和伏特加酒调成的。Laura wanted a sea breeze, which is cranberry and vodka.

酸果蔓中SOD酶含量高且活性强。Cranberry has a very high SOD content with high activity.

火鸡胸脯颤音,栗子馅,蔓越莓果冻。Turkey Breast Roulade, Chestnut Stuffing, Cranberry Jelly.

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单宁柔滑纤细,有成熟的樱桃与酸果蔓的水果味道。The palate is soft and ripe with cherry and cranberry fruit.

我会盛些火鸡,土豆和吉勒红莓果。I filled my plate with turkey and potatoes and cranberry jello.

目前,还没有证据表明蔓越莓能被用来治疗尿路感染。At present, there is no evidence that cranberry can be used to treat UTIs.

摇合所有原料入盛有半杯冰块的摇壶,滤入冰过的鸡尾酒杯,注入适量蔓越莓汁。Shake all ingredients and pour in glass. Add the cranberry juice on a float.

你说是三颗蔓越莓加一颗爆米花。还是三颗爆米花加一颗蔓越莓?Is it three cranberries, then a popcorn, or three popcorns, then a cranberry ?

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枸杞耐嚼,味道介于越桔和樱桃之间。Goji berries are chewy and taste like a cross between a cranberry and a cherry.

用来开胃的是一束新鲜的黄色枣子,以及暗红的酸果汁。The appetizers were a bunch of fresh yellow dates, plus dark-red cranberry juice.

我听说果汁像红莓汁也含有丰富的抗氧化剂。I heard that fruit juices like cranberry juice also contain a lot of antioxidants.

一些你应该吃的健康食物包括酸果蔓汁,菰米和酸奶。Some good things you should try though are cranberry juice, wild rice and yoghurt.

泥土成分包括北极莓果籽油和红色蔓越莓籽油。The earth component includes arctic cloudberry seed oil and red cranberry seed oil.

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在锋利的克兰伯里使为数不多的浆果永远吃原材料。The tartness of the cranberry make it one of the few berries never to be eaten raw.

加入少量蔓越莓汁,加冰块摇合,滤入冰过的鸡尾酒杯。Add a splash of Cranberry juice. Shake with ice and strain. Serve in a chilled glass.

将蔬菜、糖水蔓樾莓球与脆培根、防风草根与薯片摆放在盘子上。Arrange vegetables, a quenelle of cranberry compote and crispy bacon and parsnip crisps.