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她们全神贯注一声不吭。They are too engrossed to talk.

奈妲全身心都放在了钥匙上。Naida was engrossed with the key.

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她的名字用大字体清晰端正地写在名单上。Her name was engrossed on the list.

我们的讨论吸引了他的注意力。Our discussion engrossed his attention.

他醉心于物理学的研究。He's deeply engrossed in physical research.

一天夜里,马里奥正在专心致志的打游戏。One night, Mario was engrossed in his Famicom game.

当你投入到那项活动的时候,你就忘记了去看时间。You lose track of time when you’re engrossed in the activity.

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报道者的任务就是确保观众在整个故事中全神贯注。The reporter's job is to get the audience engrossed in the story.

你知道最近我挺迷欧·亨利的短篇小说的。You know I'm engrossed in those O. Henry's short stores recently.

实验组的其他成员也全神贯注于自己的新角色中。Other members of the experimental team became engrossed in their new role.

一条大蛇正缠绕着全神贯注于彼此的一名男子与一名女子。A serpent is circling a man and a woman who are very engrossed in each other.

吉姆埋头玩电脑游戏,一点都没有听到母亲的叫唤声。Jim was so engrossed in his computer games that he did not hear his mother call.

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我来回转移,埋首于思考,但还有点自我意识。And as I shifted back and forth, engrossed in thought, I felt a bit self-conscious.

你看我那么投入的神情,你猜得到为什么这演唱会那么叫我难忘吗?Look at how engrossed I am, can you guess why this concert is so unforgettable to me?

可是一旦他们沈迷于聊天网站,往往就会忽略家庭与工作。But once they get engrossed in chat sites, they tend to neglect their family and work.

小丹尼尔现在正在全神贯注的看一个红色的玩具火车在轨道上行使的录像剪辑。Daniel is now engrossed in watching video clips of a red toy train on a circular track.

当孩子看到自己的父母全神贯注地读书,他们会更有阅读的动力。When babies see their parents engrossed in reading, they are more motivated to read too.

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艺术家太专注于作化,以至于没注意到人们在看他。The artist was so engrossed in his painting that he didn't notice the people watching him.

我的兄弟有一段时间会在钢琴边一坐就是好几天,完全沉浸在谱写新曲中。My brother at one time would spend days at his piano engrossed in the creation of new tunes.

他们都在全神贯注地忙著购物,无暇顾及我这个给孩子喂奶的年轻妈妈。They were too engrossed in their shopping to see the young mother with the baby at her breast.