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也是民族志架构的源泉。And the fountainhead of ethnography construction.

今天我要跟你们讲的是关于人种学的内容。So what I'm going to talk about to you today is something called Ethnography.

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本文是关于水族祖灵观念及信仰习俗的本质、功能及文化意义的民族志。This is a religious ethnography focused on the study of ancestral spirits belief of Shui people.

教育俗民志研究对于教师的专业发展具有重要意义。Education ethnography is important for professional development and teaching research of teachers.

你可以看到这种论点的,环境主义分叉,或者是人种学分叉。You can see ramifications of arguments of this sort for environmentalism as well as for ethnography.

你可以看到这种论点的,环境主义分叉,或者是人种学分叉。You can see ramifications of arguments of this sort for environmentalism as well as for ethnography.

湘、鄂、渝、黔毗邻地区自古以来就是多民族聚居区,土家族的形成与这一地区的民族变迁有密切关系。T he formation of Tujia people is supposed to be associated with the changing ethnography of these areas.

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本文运用教育人种志的方法,对一所专科学校的班级整合状况进行了描述和文化解释。This paper describes the situation of integration in a normal school by the educational ethnography method.

这是因为我几乎把新约研究,及早期基督教历史当作民族志来教。This is because I teach New Testament studies and the history of early Christianity almost like ethnography.

人种学是从人类学中借用的一个术语,意味着对人类文化进行系统的浸入式研究。Ethnography is a term borrowed from anthropology , meaning the systematic and immersion study of human cultures.

种族偏见隐藏自己内部的各种混乱,透过我族中心汇聚自以为的正义与真理,把它们当著是天经地义。Ethnography conceals all kinds of confusion within itself, through adhering to what it gathers as if it were natural.

比如说,人类学研究中的民族志已经被用来描述课堂的教与学。For example, the anthropological method of ethnography has been used to describe teaching and learning in classrooms.

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交际民俗学研究个人在社会环境中的交际能力。The ethnography of communication refers to the study of the individual's communicative ability in the social setting.

该研究以中穆网虚拟社区为例,采用民族志方法,阐释虚拟社区中的权力关系。It takes Chinese Muslims Community as the example and uses ethnography to explain the power relation in virtual community.

认为人类学宗教研究的学科基础是宗教民族志的开发和创新。The author holds that anthropological religious study is based on the development and renovation of religious ethnography.

教育俗民志是俗民志研究范式应用于教育情景的一种研究方法和类型。Educational ethnography is a research model or method that is applied the paradigm of ethnography in educational environment.

博物馆的基本藏品主要有书籍、手稿、展示自然历史的古董以及人种学的展品。The foundation collections largely consisted of books, manuscripts and natural history with some antiquities and ethnography.

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所以研究方法是以「民族志」的研究视框进入田野,瞭解灵乩成乩历练与灵疗助人的生活方式。The field study is based on ethnography that describes the training for spiritual mediums and the life style in spiritual healing.

这是一本关于自由软件的文化与“解析历史”的书,重点是介绍自由软件文化发展的重要性。The book is an ethnography and “analytic history” of free softare, focusing on the cultural importance of the free software movement.

本文首先用民族志的方法,系统全面地描写花腰傣社会。The first part of this dissertation is an ethnography which devoted to a systematic and comprehensive description of this ethnic group.