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这种药只须一剂就能让你通便!A dose of this stuff will purge you!

智慧的力量,可以消灭心中的怨毒。The power of wisdom can purge hatred.

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这样,就把那恶从你们中间除掉。You must purge the evil from among you.

而今这些血管就要干净,像是火葬的灰烬。And now these veins will purge like pyres.

不到一年,他们就搞了第一次整肃。Within a year, they held their first purge.

烧死抗日粪青!杀戮反美粪青!净化反共粪青!Burn the Heretic! Kill the Mutant! Purge the Uncle!

如果是,清除数据并在需要的情况下优化索引。If yes, purge the data and tune the index if needed.

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该政党开始清洗右翼分子。The party have begin a purge of right- wing element.

清除大麦中的麸皮是一项艰苦的劳动。It is a hard labor to purge the barley from the bran.

杜雅瑞曼上将是清洗的受害者之一。Gen. Thura Shwe Mann was one of the victims of the purge.

排气阀门位于最低点,便于清洗。Exhaust valve located at the lowest pointFacilitates the purge.

采用吹气法在线测量脉冲萃取柱脉冲振幅参数。Online measurement of pulse amplitude by air purge was studied.

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将居民驱逐出去以后,土地会自我净化。The land will purge itself of the impurity by vomiting them out.

新总统对不忠诚的陆军军官进行了一次整肃。The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers.

市长候选人答应清洗警察部门。The mayoral candidate has promised to purge the police department.

打开排气阀,直到水流清澈没有气泡。Open the purge valve until the water flows clear and free of bubbles.

在你清除掉所有卑劣的品性之前,我们的战争不会停止。Purge yourself of all unworthiness . Until then, we must remain at war.

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鞭伤除净人的罪恶。责打能入人的心腹。Blows and wounds cleanse away evil, and beatings purge the inmost being.

迪斯科吹扫方法可透过您的杜邦公司的销售代表。Disco Purge Method can be obtained via your DuPont Sales Representative.

艾丘岛在隐居,因此在银河帝国的绝地大宰杀中幸免于死。Echuu survived in hiding through the Galactic Empire's Great Jedi Purge.