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这位法官昂然走进法庭。The judge swept in the courtroom.

正义是否在我们主审的法庭上得到伸张?Was justice done in our courtroom?

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陪审员们从法庭里鱼贯而出。The jury filed out of the courtroom.

有案子在第1号法庭里审理。There is a case on in Courtroom No 1.

这是一部最为怪诞的法庭剧。IT IS the strangest of courtroom dramas.

在法庭上千万不要动气。Never lose your temper in the courtroom.

记者们被拦在法庭门外。Reporters were barred from the courtroom.

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我再次看到汉娜时,竟是在法庭上。When I saw Hanna again, it was in courtroom.

捣乱分子被赶出法庭。The hecklers were banished from the courtroom.

他们把记者关在法庭门外。They barred the reporters out of the courtroom.

最后,整个审判室鸦雀无声了。Until eventually the whole courtroom was silent.

从一开始,法庭就上演了高潮起伏的剧情。It was high drama in the courtroom from the start.

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然后,他便站在了被告席上,但是法庭光线昏暗不明。Then he is judged. But the courtroom is very dark.

接着,我听见大厅中一个低沉的声音在读着什么。Then I heard a voice droning away in the courtroom.

在法庭上,Veronica站在法官Kessler面前。Veronica stands in a courtroom before Judge Kessler.

他在审判庭上总想坐在最显眼的位置上.He always wanted the number one seat in the courtroom.

法官伍德拉夫的热情远远超出了法庭。Judge Woodruff's passion goes far beyond the courtroom.

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世界上主要有两大法庭调查模式。There are two kinds of mode of courtroom investigation.

当法官进入法庭进他们全部起立。They all stood up when the judges entered the courtroom.

当入狱期限被读出时,法庭中的受害人鼓起掌来。Victims in the courtroom clapped as the term was read out.