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内侧舱房可以看到海景吗?。Can I get a sea-view from the inside stateroom?

请问可以改换有海景窗户的舱房吗?May I change to a stateroom with an ocean view?

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请把特别房舱门窗关好。Shut the stateroom door and the porthole , please.

我可以在舱房里使用接驳卫星电话吗?May I use the satellite network telephone from my stateroom?

若置墙裙,小客厅更小,大客厅更矮。Be like buy dado , little sitting room is less, stateroom is shorter.

有一次我被带到一艘大船上,被安排躺在套房的床上等着他过来。I was delivered aboard a very large ship, put into a stateroom and told to stay on the bed and wait for him.

对于其头等舱与公务舱的豪华,国航昨天进行了现场展示。To its first -class stateroom cabin and official cabin luxurious, boat had the state yesterday the spot is revealed.

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之后,很多朋友向其询问是否与“金晶头等舱受辱”事件有关。Later, a lot of friends enquire to its whether with " be insulted of Jin Jing first -class stateroom cabin " incident is concerned.

国航推出重金打造的全球最豪华飞机头等舱和公务舱。Boat rolls out the country the whole world that heavy gold makes is the ritziest plane first -class stateroom cabin and official cabin.

请把票给我。让我看一下,你的房间不在这里,你的房间在二等舱,下楼往前走就到了。Give me your ticket. Let me see it. Your stateroom is not here. Your stateroom is second-class. Downstairs and go ahead, then you will get it.

宽大的主卧配设有大量的储存空间,一张带有小抽屉机电脑连接器的书桌以及一条通往驾驶室的私人通道。The expansive master stateroom includes generous storage, a desk with vanity and computer connections, and a private entrance from the cockpit.

在狭窄的过道里,我四肢并用,在暗中爬行,爬到离顶舱的过厅只隔一间官舱那个地方。So I dropped on my hands and knees in the little passage, and crept aft in the dark till there warn't but one stateroom betwixt me and the cross-hall of the texas.

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此次推出的头等舱单个座椅投入资金达60万元,公务舱单个座椅价值40万元。Fund of single seat investment amounts to the first -class stateroom cabin that rolls out this 600 thousand yuan, official cabin is individual seat value 400 thousand yuan.