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将配乐和电影情节进行同步合成。Synchronise the score with the film action.

大标题组–用一个免费的在线帐户同步化你的新闻供养。HeadLine Groups – Synchronise your news feeds with a free online account.

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“洛”还能为用户提供离线工作,稍后同步等服务。Chrome OS would also allow users to work offline and synchronise changes later.

调整你的生物钟,每天按固定的时间睡觉和起床,不要午休.Synchronise your body clock by getting up and going to bed at the same time every day. Avoid daytime naps.

他们认为明亮的晨光有助于人体时钟的同步,这样有助于调节人体的新陈代谢。They believe that bright morning light helps synchronise the body clock, which then helps regulate metabolism.

他还说,部长们已经同意把APAST延长到2015年,从而与单一共同体的目标同步。He added that the ministers have agreed to extend APAST until 2015 to synchronise with the single community target.

此外,撒谎者也将不能与他们自己相照应,例如,在说自己没有做什么时却点头。The liar will also fail to synchronise with themselves, for example saying they did not do something whilst nodding.

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该信号混合器包括一个触发输出,来自12个输入信号中的一个,它被用于同步示波器到一个已经知道的汽缸。Mixmaster includes a trigger output, derived from one of the 12 input signals, which can be used to synchronise the scope to a known cylinder.

要解决这个问题,我们需要通过控制这段代码的同步执行,来确保同一时间只有一个线程可以执行它。What we need to do is synchronise access to the block of code and make sure that only one of the two threads has access to it at any one time.

长期生活在热带的猛禽,繁殖期外整年换羽缓慢,在湿润或干燥季节换羽。Sedentary tropical raptors either moult slowly throughout the year, except when breeding, or may synchronise the moult with the wet or dry seasons.

例如,这种整合可以确保各种设备自动同步处理重要文件,比方说,地址簿,而且一种设备可以控制其它设备。This mesh will make sure, for instance, that devices automatically synchronise important files, such as an address book, and that one device can control the others.

这个创意是通过调节涡流增压器的结构来使它与引擎尾气排放同步,从而达到更好的能量回收效果。The idea is to oscillate the turbocharger’s variable geometry and synchronise it with the engine exhaust to get better energy recovery from the pulsating exhaust flow.

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今天,我们用于同步的时钟通过互联网,并在大多数情况下,这是自动完成的,我们不必担心时间得到正确的。Today, we are used to synchronise our clocks through the internet, and in most cases this is done automatically and we don't have to worry about getting the time right.

时钟或者选通信号用于比较器、递增-递减计数器102和数模转换器100的同步操作,以便避免这些部件竞争。A clock or a strobe signal is used to synchronise operation of the comparator, the up-down counter 102 and the digital to analog converter 100 so as to avoid these components racing.