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我们令社会更丰盛。We make our society affluent.

澳门是富裕的城市,但贫富悬殊严重。Macau is affluent but not for all people.

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较富裕的中国消费者更倾向于国外品牌。Affluent Chinese consumers prefer foreign brands.

昆明,云南省省治都会,一座敷裕之城。KUNMING, the capital of Yunnan province, is an affluent city.

斯特兰德街是伦敦最繁华、最富足的街道之一。The Strand is one of London's busiest and most affluent streets.

这个家庭住在一个富裕而且受过高等教育的地区。The family lives in an affluent and highly-educated neighborhood.

我希望他们了解,现在他们也许算是生活在一个富裕小镇上的一户富裕家庭里,但我和他们的母亲曾经在经济上挣扎过。My children may live in an affluent household in an affluent town.

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这些疾病不会广泛传播或威胁较富裕的人群。These are not diseases that travel widely or threaten more affluent groups.

由于圣迭哥人的勤奋和努力,使这座富足的城市获得了成功。This affluent city has become successful by the endeavors of its own people.

如今,中国富人半开玩笑地称这个名次是“死亡名册”。China's affluent now sometimes half-jokingly call the ranking the Death List.

随着中产阶级的不断增加,春运的旅客也在增加。With an increasingly affluent middle class chunyun tourism is also on the rise.

即使在白人文化内,也有一个工厂文化和富裕区文化的差别。Within even the white culture, there was a mill culture and an affluent culture.

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我非常感谢有此机会来访问这个美丽富饶的国家。I greatly appreciate this opportunity to visit this beautiful and affluent country.

在喀山郊区,一个别致的餐厅吸引了大批年轻时尚人士。A chic restaurant in an affluent suburb ofKazan attracts the young, fashionable set.

我听说你有门路买到比较贫穷国家的护照,像是贝里斯跟东加。I've heard you can buy passports from less affluent countries like Belize and Tonga.

新的,富裕的中产阶级惠普尔指的是助长了他的农作物的需求。That new, affluent middle class Whipple refers to is fueling the demand for his crop.

我也曾经是酷爱湖塘的小男孩,占有无数个艳阳天与夏日。I too was a boy in adulation with a pond, affluent in brilliant hours and summer days.

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富人们经常觉得自己整天忙碌,每天过多的选择令人不胜其烦。The affluent often feel besieged by busyness and plagued by a daily excess of choices.

迁移细胞表面伪足丰富,以丝状伪足为主。The surface of migration cells exhibits affluent pseudopods, which are mainly filopodia.

但是在这个纷繁杂乱的信息引导的世界,人们拥抱了后物质主义思维模式。But in an affluent information-driven world, people embrace the postmaterialist mind-set.