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我是多么可怜啊!How pathetic I am.

他们看起来是多么的可怜。They look so pathetic.

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我是个可悲的灾星。I'm a pathetic disaster.

嘿,别那么可怜兮兮的了。Hey, don't be so pathetic.

笨狼好狼狈。Stupid Wolf good pathetic.

这才是最可悲的。This is the most pathetic.

而人类——我们很悲哀。But humans — we're pathetic.

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你说“可怜”是什么意思?What do you mean "pathetic"?

那些野花野草是那么可怜。Those grasses are so pathetic.

那又怎么样。你不觉得可怜吗?So what? Don't you feel pathetic?

这种手法叫感情误置。This is called the pathetic fallacy.

你原谅我如此可怜。You forgive me for being so pathetic.

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壁炉里微弱的火光在闪烁。A pathetic fire flickered in the hearth.

我的装甲部队将会打垮你可怜的军队。My armor will crush your pathetic forces.

这一切都可能是因为男人也怪可怜的。All because males can be kind of pathetic.

被钱牵着鼻子走的影评人真是悲哀。Critics who are guided by money are pathetic.

以前我幼稚的可怜,现在成熟的可悲。Previously my childish, poor now mature pathetic.

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没有比健忘的撒谎者更可怜的事了。There is nothing so pathetic as a forgetful liar.

网上反对奥巴马的笑话酸涩而糟糕。And anti-Obama jokes on the internet are pathetic.

默克尔就像嚼过的泡泡糖一样软,可怜的女人。Merkel is as soft as chewed bubble gum. Pathetic woman.