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把你的马拴在这里。Picket your horse here.

他们向工厂前进,并组成了纠察队。They marched to the factory and formed a picket.

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工会的一些会员不想担任罢工纠察员。Some of the union members did not want to picket.

新闻摄影记者也在那儿,给纠察队拍照。The newsreel people were there, taking pictures of the picket.

今晚在这里上工的人与游行罢工的人并无芥蒂。The people working here tonight have no beef with the picket line.

我们走过尖桩篱栅门,四处观望。We walked through the gate of the picket fence and proceeded to look around.

矿工正设法让工厂工人加入他们的纠察队人墙。The miners are trying to get factory workers to join them on the picket line.

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韦斯特博罗教会成员纠察高调的葬礼,以促进他们的信仰。Westboro church members picket high-profile funerals to promote their beliefs.

他住在康涅狄格州北部一个漆成白色的木制房子里,屋子前面竖着尖桩篱栅。He lives in a white-painted frame house behind a picket fence up in Connecticut.

你可以用一些诸如门板,格板的材料,或者是用小桩做成围栏当背景。You can use materials like door panels, a trellis or picket fencing as backdrops, too.

你知道,我不过是个平民百姓,我做的梦就是一个老婆,两个孩子加一个热炕头。You know, i am an ordinary guy. My dream is a wife, two kids, and the white picket fence.

在半哩外的铁路上只有一个警戒哨,在桥梁的一端有一个哨兵。Only a picket post half a mile out, on the railroad, and a single sentinel at this end of the bridge.

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正在罢工的电影电视编剧们已经决定不在下周洛杉矶举行的格莱美奖设立罢工警戒线了。Striking US film and TV writers have decided not to picket next month's Grammy awards in Los Angeles.

英国几十年来都对其社会问题秘而不宣,用残暴的武装纠察队掩盖问题。Britain has hidden away its social problems for decades, corralled them with a brutal picket of armed men.

南韩抗议者举牌抗议在首尔举行的自由贸易协定会谈。South Korean protester holds a picket at a rally to protest free trade agreement talks in Seoul March 9, 2006.

白栅栏圈围绕这桌子球部环绕一周,远处用小沙漏形的鸟巢来装饰。A white picket fence circles the bulb of the table, and tiny hourglass shaped bird houses decorate the distance.

之前围在草坪外的一圈木桩篱墙也早没了,所以如果开车来的话,人们都直接把车开到门廊前才停。The picket fence that once enclosed the lawn was gone, too, and people just drove their cars right up to the porch.

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非常好看,斜度不同分成两段的屋顶上,上面有一溜栅栏,两头各有一个尖塔,是用彩色木瓦板盖的。It was lovely. it had a high mansard roof with a picket fence on top and a tower made of fancy shingles at each end.

绝望之下,他们中有些人不顾一切,冒着被冠以“恶棍”之称的风险,去当起了那些罢工的破坏者。In desperation, some of them crossed picket lines and braved being abused as "scabs" to take jobs as strike-breakers.

为此,夫妇二人将已有的白色尖桩篱栅拆除,换上了被树木和其他植物包围的木板。To do this, the couple replaced an existing white picket fence with a wood plank wall overhung with trees and plantings.