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她知道用Firsthand来拖地板是特别累人。She knew firsthand how hard it was to mop the floor.

对感应海啸破坏直接曝光是羞耻的。Firsthand exposure to the tsunami-induced devastation was humbling.

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你母亲是一位医生兼教育人士,她曾亲眼目睹这些。Your mother is a doctor and educator, and she has seen this firsthand.

您可以测试这段代码以直接查看这次尝试的结果。You may be testing this code to see the results of this effort firsthand.

这听起来似乎矛盾,不过我有亲身体验,证明它的真实。As contradictory as this sounds, I have firsthand experience of its truth.

我亲眼目睹了良好的学校和教育是如何改变命运的。I saw firsthand how good schools and a good education can transform lives.

这个节目为观众带来当事者娓娓道来的第一手故事。This show gives viewers firsthand stories from people who were at the scene.

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肯奈居民从亲身经验知道天灾之后出现的困难。Kenai residents know firsthand the challenges that follow a natural disaster.

生活在加州,我们切身体会到一场地震是如何毁掉一个家的。Living in California, we've seen firsthand what an earthquake can do to a home.

我很切身地感到我现在的四个孩子就是在经历这个过程。I see it firsthand with my four young children who are going through the process now.

县委书记到一个乡村蹲点去了。The county Party secretary has gone to stay in a village to gain firsthand experience.

我知道那是基本常识,但是我还学了更多的一些可以直接“湿身”的东西……I knew that basic fact too, but I learned some more things about the process firsthand.

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今年春天,我亲身体验了这种不良行为是如何在赛场上发生的。This last spring, I experienced firsthand just how bad behavior on the field could get.

他们很多人都尝过很长一段时间没有工作的滋味。Plenty of them know firsthand what it's like to be unemployed for a painfully long time.

沃特斯,注册护士和语言学家,经验丰富的破坏艾滋病的第一手资料。Watters, a registered nurse and linguist, experienced the devastation of AIDS firsthand.

如果你在一顿丰盛的午餐后觉得昏昏欲睡,你可能就是因为这个原因。If you’ve ever felt sleepy after a big lunch, you’ve probably experienced this firsthand.

他通过“亲临油井和深入调查地震工作人员”,学到了第一手业务知识。By "sitting on wells and bird-dogging seismic crews, " he learned the tricks of the trade firsthand.

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如果不知道我客户面临的第一手的问题,我怎么能跟他们谈论这些问题呢?Without knowing firsthand the issues my clients had to deal with how could I speak to those problems?

他们不仅仅给我们提供了极大的帮助,他们对C-130J的直接感受也得到了我们的重视。Not only did they provide tremendous help to us, but they appreciated the firsthand look at the C-130J.

不像其他公司都提到现在为止,我没有亲身经验,与这家公司。Unlike the other companies have mentioned so far, I have had no firsthand experience with this company.