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希腊语正典书目还有马卡比四书。And the Greek canon also accepts 4 Maccabees.

在与我马加比,第二语言的马加比高度宗教。Maccabees, the language of II Maccabees is highly religious.

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这书大多是重复玛加伯上。This book is largely a repetition of The First Book of Maccabees.

斯拉夫语和拉丁文圣经,也有诗篇151篇和马卡比三书。The Slavonic and Latin Vulgate also accept Psalm 151 and 3 Maccabees.

斯拉夫语和拉丁文圣经,也有诗篇151篇和马卡比三书。The Slavonic and Latin Vulgate also accept Psalm 151 and 3 Maccabees.

以东的遗民在马加比时期纳入犹太人之内。Edom's remnant was absorbed with the Jews during the period of the Maccabees.

在与我马加比,第二语言的马加比高度宗教。In contrast with I Maccabees, the language of II Maccabees is highly religious.

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马加比后来再进入圣殿并且重新奉献在殿中的祭坛。The Maccabees subsequently re-entered the temple and re-dedicated the altar of worship in the temple.

但他们也有我们现在称作伪经的书,比如朱迪丝书,托比特书和马卡比一书二书。But they had several other books that we now call the Apocrypha, such as Judith or Tobit or the 1 and 2 Maccabees.

无论是世界末日的元素,在这本书和某些细节的叙述表明,它的日期从期间的玛加比一。Both the apocalyptic element in the book and certain details of the narrative suggest that it dates from the period of the Maccabees.

他们的人口由于许多交战而逐断减少,最后在马加比时代被纳入犹大人口之中。Their population gradually decreased due to the many battles, and they eventually became absorbed into the population of Judah during the period of the Maccabees.

比如西罗马天主教正典,希腊语和斯拉夫语圣经,有托比特书,它属于旧约,有茱迪丝书,所罗门智训,德训篇,巴鲁书,还有耶利米书及马卡比一书二书。The Western Roman Catholic canon,and the Greek Slavonic bibles, have for example,Tobit,part of the Old Testament,Judith, the Wisdom of Solomon,Ecclesiasticus,Baruch, and the letter of Jeremiah,and 1 and 2 Maccabees.