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契约相对性原则是契约法的基本原则。The privity of contract is a basic rule of contract law.

火灾,但由于承运人的实际过失或私谋所引起的除外。Fire, unless caused by the actual fault or privity of the carrier.

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如果你们是恋人,请尊重你们的距离、尺度和默契。If you are sweet hearts , please respect your space, demarcation line and privity.

合同产生之初,因合同当事人的特定性而形成合同相对性原则。Privity of contract resulted from the parties of contract at the beginning of contract.

合同相对性原则削足适履的做法,会不可避免地造成契约法的封闭化。The principle of privity of contract will, inevitably cause the parochialism of contract law.

由于Dressler先生对我的房屋并无权益,与农夫公司亦无合同关系,您的权利要求将被正当驳回。Since Mr. Dressler has no interest in the house or privity with Farmers, your claim will be rightfully rejected.

它们在传递一种什么样的爱意呢?没有拥抱,没有多余的语言,可是我们可以感觉到他们正在默契地相爱着。What kind of love they are sending? I guess. No warm hugs, no more languages, but we can feel that they love with privity.

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合同相对性原则作为契约法理论构建的基石,在大陆法系和英美法系各国一直被严格信守。All the countries in the world abide by the principle of privity of contract strictly as a footstone of the theory of contract.

不知有意还是无意,沃尔玛和家乐福在全球布局上都尽量避免着直接冲突。但当两家在中国市场遭遇的时候,这一“默契”被彻底打破。Somehow, Walmart and Carrefour try not to conflict with each other's store globally, but in China, the privity has been broken.

合同当事人的相互关系原则规定只有合同双方的当事人才有权依照合同享有权利、承担义务。The doctrine of privity of contract provides that only the parties to a contract receive rights and obligations pursuant to the contract.

仲裁意思自治原则和仲裁协议的相对性是传统标准的理论根据。The traditional standard is established on the ground of the principle of party autonomy and principle of privity in arbitration contract.

得出第三人利益合同制度从形式上看是对合同相对性原则的突破,实质上却与合同相对性原则的精神相一致的结论。The history educes that the privity of contract and the contract for the benefit of third party are apparently different, virtually consistent.

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第三人利益合同制度是对“合同相对性”原则的合理突破,但是在我国还没有得到承认。The system on third party beneficiary contracts is a necessary breakthrough for "doctrine of the privity of contracts", but it hasn t been established in China.

历史上,合同相对性原则曾经作为古典契约法的一个不可动摇的信条,被称为是合同法体系构建的第一块基石。"Doctrine of privity of contract" has been the unshakable credendum of the classical contract law and has been treated as the corner stone of contract rule and system.

经过新自然法学和法律现实主义的历次法哲学运动的洗礼,第三人利益合同得到承认并构成对合同相对性原则的强烈冲击。After the ablution of new natural law and law realism, the contract for third party's benefit is recognized and a big shock to the principle of privity of contract is caused.

合同相对性原则作为合同规则和制度的奠基石,在大陆法系和英美法系均得到普遍遵守。As the regulation and the system of contract, the privity of contract have been recognized and respected widely as the fundamental principle in common law and continental law.

第二个游戏是默契大比拼,虽说有点过时,但我们却玩的不落俗套,我们四人轮个猜一个动物,这个游戏很有搞笑的效果,游戏中,有人把老鼠兽化成猫,把马精华成了老鼠……大家笑成了一团,开心无限。The second game was privity test. Four of us as a group guessed an animal in turn. It was very interesting and some one mistook mouse for cat or other guessed horse for mouse.

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合同第三人与合同相对性原则的例外是一个问题的两个方面,即是合同效力扩张的结果。The third party of the contract and the exception of the contract privity principle are two aspects for one question. That is the result of the expansion of the contract effect.

海上保险代位权相对性地突破了合同相对性原则,是民法债权制度功能的进一步发展。Subrogation in marine insurance relatively breaks through the principle of the privity of contract and it is a further development of the function of the system of creditor's rights.

根据合同相对性原则的例外,单项委托合同中的受托旅行社处于隐名代理人的法律地位。In accordance with the exception of the contract privity principle, the consigned travel service subject to the travel principal-agent contract has the legal status as an unnamed principal.