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使…一致、协调或合谐。To agree, correspond, or harmonize.

协调个人愿望同公共价值观的关系。Harmonize private desire with public goals.

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对了,只要有两个人,就可以唱和音。When there are two people, they can harmonize.

从来不大声哭,如果他开始呜咽,我就逗他。And if he starts to whimper, I'll just harmonize with him.

这些声音并不和谐,于是就产生了酸涩的声音。The sounds did not harmonize and sour sounds were created.

祝你的饰品总能和谐衬托你的自然美。May your accessories always harmonize with your natural beauty!

他的气质与慢而单调的生活节奏不谐调。His temperament does not harmonize with a slow , even pace of life.

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我想知道我如何能协调我们彼此之间的情绪及感情。I wondered how I could harmonize our moods and feelings for each other.

配合全国客户会计中心,协调分区销售,对赊销合同进行管理。Cooperate with NCAC, harmonize area sale, manage the credit sale contract.

在屋子里家具的暖色符号和中间色调相互协调。Warm accents harmonize with the neutral-tone of the furniture in the house.

有机金盏花,洋甘菊,白茶植物性协调和补充。Organic Calendula, Chamomile and White Tea botanicals harmonize and replenish.

如果你经得起压力,神就要把你压出音调来和天上的音乐相和。God will tune you to harmonize with Heaven's key-note if you can stand the strain.

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儒家试图通过修礼来达到人与社会、人与自然的和谐。Confucian tried to learn etiquette to harmonize people and society, man and nature.

有机金盏花,洋甘菊,白茶植物药协调和补充肌肤。Organic Calendula, Chamomile and White Tea botanicals harmonize and replenish skin.

治疗以调和营卫为主,选用桂枝汤加味治疗。Treatment to harmonize business-oriented, Guizhi Tonga for the Treatment of choice.

中国古建筑在色彩上斑斓纷呈,有的颜色对比强烈,有的素雅和谐。The ancient Chinese architecture is rich in color. Some contrast and some harmonize.

而每个琴丝都要和其他的琴丝保持协调,这样就变得更加复杂了。But this becomes increasingly complicated when each string has to harmonize with others.

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本建议的修改是用来和新的建议G.766协调。The revision of this Recommendation is made to harmonize with new Recommendation G. 766.

取消往往降低援助效率的援助资金使用条件,朝着更好地协调发展规划和政策的方向努力。Untie aid, and move to better co-ordinate and harmonize development programs and policies.

每个人都知道互联网的优点,甚至可以纠正溢美之词。Everyone knows the virtues of the internet and, at this point, can even harmonize its praises.