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Oligarch是一只大而且粗鲁的熊。Oligarch is a big and robust bear.

普京已经表示他无意于会见这位寡头政治支持者。Putin already signaled that he has no intention to meet with the oligarch.

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既无俄罗斯寡头,也无阿拉伯酋长,皇马这些无人能敌的大手笔是从哪找来的钱?Without a Russian oligarch or Arab sheikh, where do Real find the money to outspend everyone?

他是一个俄罗斯寡头政治执政者,同时也曾是前苏联国家安全委员会以前在伦敦的代理人。to Alexander Lebedev , a Russian oligarch and former KGB agent who was based once in the city.

毕竟,即使是最富有的政治寡头也不可能在莫斯科拥有一个像高尔基公园这样大且漂亮的后花园。After all, not even the richest oligarch has a Moscow garden as big or beautiful as Gorky Park.

鲍伯·杜德利错误地认为与强势的国有公司建立起亲密关系就能震慑这个寡头合作伙伴。Mr Dudley wrongly believed that getting into bed with a powerful Kremlin firm would cow his existing oligarch partners.

在求双寡头古诺博弈均衡点时,采用了网格搜索算法和反应曲线法。In beg double oligarch when play chess of ancient Nuo rich is bit more balanced, used reseau to search algorithm and reaction curve law.

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现在最知名且不在监狱里的金融巨鳄阿布拉莫维奇就为购买大厦、滑雪场和足球队定下了新的收购标准。Roman Abramovich, the best-known oligarch not in jail, has conspicuously set new standards in buying mansions, ski resorts and soccer teams.

霍普先生与俄罗斯寡头罗曼·阿布拉莫维奇明显不同,后者将数百万英镑砸在了英国俱乐部切尔西身上。Mr Hopp is quite unlike Roman Abramovich, the Russian oligarch who has spent hundreds of millions of pounds on Chelsea, an English football club.

这市场不再是寡头竞争的局面,多一些伙伴进来,可以更好培养人们网上消费意识。This market is the situation that oligarch competes no longer, many somes of associate lets, can better education consumes consciousness on people net.

它是一种基于常规的,工薪阶层上的完美的文明生活——你不需要是一名政治寡头才能享受更好的生活。It was about having a great, civilized life on a normal, professional salary—and that you don’t have to be an oligarch to enjoy the finer things in life.

这个热门视频表示这位俄罗斯寡头的小屁孩说服女子脱到只剩内衣洗车,但是这一切只是个噱头?This viral video shows the spoilt son of a Russian oligarch persuade women to strip down and wash his car in their underwear – but is it all just a stunt?

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所以创业的方向至少应该避开已形成寡头的市场,在巨头之间的缝隙之间寻找垂直性行业的天地。Your direction should at least avoid the markets where the oligarch is there and find the room for the vertical industries between the space of the giants.

笔者也相信奶粉市场的生产企业也会走向强者愈强,市场趋于寡头的结局。The author believe that the milk powder manufacturers will be in the suituation of the strong one is going to be stronger, and the market will tend to be oligarch.

绯闻首次曝光是在2008年,当时俄罗斯一家报纸援引其他消息来源称绯闻属实。这家报纸的老闆是亿万富豪寡头亚历山大?列别捷夫。The rumour first came to public prominence in 2008 when a Russian newspaper, owned by billionaire oligarch Alexander Lebedev, quoted a source as insisting the story was true.