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该公司本季度战略上取得进展。The company advanced strategically in the quarter.

在战略上,八路军正以山西为中心进行战争。Strategically , the Eighth Route Army is centring them on Shansi.

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补钻开发调整井是一项全局性、战略性的调整措施。Infill drilling is an adjustment measure to be taken strategically.

系着杏黄的围巾,帽沿战略地遮住一只眼睛。Your hat strategically dipped below one eye, your scarf, it was apricot.

布劳恩和比伯花了接下来的六个月时间很有战略性地建立了一个粉丝基地。Braun and Bieber spent the next six months strategically building a fan base.

对科学家而言,这是一个活的实验室,颇有战略地建立在远海中。For scientists, it's a living laboratory strategically located in the open sea.

“我认为缅甸对中国并没有太大的战略意义,”朱峰说。“I don't think Myanmar is of great significance strategically to China,” said Zhu.

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在攀岩的整个区域内有计划的放置容易获取到的救援设备。Easy-to-access rescue equipment strategically place throughout the climbing region.

新的名称是一个具有重要战略意义的演变为NETELLER的集团。The new name represents a strategically important evolution for the NETELLER Group.

这个地区的战略地位和经济地位变得越来越重要了。This region is becoming increasingly important both strategically and economically.

中芯国际于2000年成立,注册于开曼群岛,总部设立于中国。Established in 2000, we are a Cayman Islands company strategically located in China.

战略地位和时髦纵横交错的细节展示。Strategically placed bows and sassy criss-cross detailing feature in the cheeky Edith.

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周一,他的部队已将反叛军从战略要地阿贾达比亚打退。On Monday, his forces drove rebels back from the strategically important town Ajdabiya.

您的企业可以通过战略性参与此类事件示范最佳实践。Your company can demonstrate best practice by engaging strategically with such a cause.

在全球的各个可能的战略要点都建立军事基地。Establishing military bases at all possible strategically important points on the globe.

同时,西部重镇库萨的战斗任在进行。Meanwhile, fighting continued around the strategically important western town of Qusair.

我的船壳,这将有战略地位,以便有将不会有任何砂光。My hulls will have this strategically placed so that there won't have to be any sanding.

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这样的复合式建筑策略性地座落于爱河视觉上最重要的位置。The complex sits strategically at the most visually prominent location on the Love River.

淋巴结是圆形或豆形的构造,它们被战略性地布置于淋巴管的经路上。Lymph nodes are round or bean-shaped structures strategically placed on lymphatic channel.

公司越来越多的将其核心竞争力与全球问题战略性的连结起来。Increasingly, companies are strategically aligning their core strengths with global issues.