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你让我唱一个呗。Shenyang Let me sing.

沈阳嘉禾实业有限公司。Shenyang Jiahe Industry Co. , Ltd.

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北陵在沈阳的北边。Beiling is in the north of Shenyang.

沉阳市有两个用于城墙。Shenyang used to have two city walls.

希望你能再次来西安做客。I hope you will come to Shenyang again.

他是沈阳的高才生之一。He is one of the top students in Shenyang.

这列火车在沈阳要停多久?How long does this train stop at Shenyang?

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沈阳给你的第一感觉是什么?What's your first impression of Shenyang ?

沈阳市城建房地产开发有限公司。Shenyang Changer Real Estate Dvevlopment Ltd.

中国式英语在沈阳机场的又一实证An example of Chinglish in the Shenyang airport

辽宁省省会为沈阳。Shenyang is the provincial capital of Liaoning.

沈阳黄金以旧换新哪家合适?Is the Shenyang gold trade-in family appropriate?

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辽宁电动打码机,沈阳油墨,鸡蛋打码机。Liaoning Electric coder, Shenyang ink, egg coder.

沈阳电动打码机,沈阳油墨,鸡蛋打码机。Shenyang Electric coder, Shenyang ink, egg coder.

沈阳牌冷藏车制冷机组系列。Shenyang Refrigerator Cars licensing unit series.

欢迎您光临沈阳江源电气有限公司!Welcome to Shenyang Jiangyuan Electric CO. LTD. !

明和赵姗坐上了回沈阳的卧铺车。Ming and Zhao Shan take berth tickets to Shenyang.

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小沈阳总能让观众们笑个没完。Xiao Shenyang always keeps the audiences laughing.

只售沈阳以远的车票。Only tickets for Shenyang and beyond are available.

沈阳市五一劳动奖章等荣誉称号。Shenyang city in the five one labor medal of honor.