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房间里的空气有陈烟的臭味。The air of the room was fetid with stale tobacco smoke.

在恶臭熏天的货舱中日复一日的生活是什么样的?What was it like day after day in their fetid cargo bay?

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墙里渗出一股恶臭味,那是发霉的床垫味。A fetid odor seeps from the walls, the odor of a mildewed mattress.

一个孤胆英雄来到崔斯特瑞姆并打败了恶心的屠夫恶魔。A lone hero arrives in Tristram and defeats the fetid butcher demon.

因为寒冷,恶臭的嚏根草的花不受痛苦。The flowers of the fetid hellebore do not suffer because of the cold.

一位孤单英雄到达崔斯特瑞姆并打败了腐臭的恶魔屠夫。A lone hero arrives in Tristram and defeats the bloated, fetid butcher demon.

继发感染后可见小溃疡,有恶臭的乳白色脓性分泌物。Afterwards sees small ulcer after hair infection, fetid is ivory purulent sex secretion.

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大话总是潜伏着无处不在,污水中的气泡,恶臭的气泡破裂臭气满溢。There’s always malarkey lurking, bubbles in the cesspool, fetid bubbles that pop and smell.

幽暗城,那些腐烂死尸的家园得到一章,哦,这儿还曾经盛产我最喜欢的辣椒。Undercity, home of the fetid rotting dead and possibly the best chili I've ever had, got one chapter.

如果产后14天内出现水状和恶臭,这表明有局部感染,需要治疗。If watery and fetid during the first 14 days after calving, this indicates local infection, requiring treatment.

我非常喜欢这种舒服,虽然我大多数朋友都有难闻的口气和臭味。I rather enjoyed the comfort of the situ-ation, although most of my friends had foul breath or fetid odors about them.

日积月累地盘据半岛上湖滨地带的蜘蛛丝散发出恶臭,可能是蜘蛛丝上昆虫遗体腐化所致。The gossamer strands, slowly overtaking a lakefront peninsula, emit a fetid odor, perhaps from the dead insects entwined in the silk.

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以前可以在低水区划船的地方现在已经干旱并且裂开了,鸭子沉湎于发臭的绿色的池塘里,吃着里面的乱七八糟的食物。Skiffs that once plied the lowland waters lie dry and splintering and ducks wallow in fetid green ponds that pocket the maze of feeder streams.

面向对象技术又是目前软件开发方法的主流,它的提出解决了许多传统设计方法所很难解决的困难。It has been applied every fetid in industry department. The Object-Oriented Technology is the main way in moden of software developing method yet.

净化空气、去除烟味及臭味、吸收、清洁空气中的尘埃、花粉、微菌芽孢、病菌等。Purify air, removes in the unusual smell and the fetid odor, absorb and clean air dust, the pollen, tiny bacterium sporangium , the germ and so on.

曾经布满了运河水道的巴士拉——很久以前有着东方威尼斯的美誉——现在淡水正变得恶臭,堆满了垃圾。The fresh waters that once flushed the canals of Basra — the Venice of the Middle East, it was called, though long ago — are fetid and filled with garbage.

北美东部的一种多年生草本植物,早春生出一气味难闻、淡紫褐色、盔兜形的佛焰苞,在夏季被一簇宽叶围绕。Deciduous perennial low-growing fetid swamp plant of eastern north america having minute flowers enclosed in a mottled greenish or purple cowl-shaped spathe.

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这些微生物特别喜欢蛋白质,以及蛋白质分解后所产生的化学物质,包括某些真正散发出恶臭的物质。These tiny organisms particularly enjoy proteins, and the chemical compounds that result from the digestion of these proteins include some truly fetid substances.

从奥巴马-拜登组合那里,已开始飘来迟钝的臭气,特别是佩琳被共和党提名后,一些民主党人开始强调自己的候选人应该做点什么。The fetid aroma of passivity that began to emanate from Obama-Biden, particularly after the Palin coronation, had partisan Democrats screaming for their candidates to do something.

在该社区的逆风方向有一家农场。居民说,他们多年以来一直为该农场的恶臭气味所困,并怀疑农场废物污染了他们的用水和空气。Residents say they have been bothered for years by the fetid smell of one the farms, which lies upwind of the community, and they suspect their water and air has been contaminated by waste.