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力劲公司在这方面已经获得成功。LK Corporation have success on it.

我经营一家成立于1944年的公司。I had a corporation founded in 1944.

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你为什么要选择本公司?Why did you choose this corporation?

我是IBM公司,我该怎么帮你呀?IBM corporation . How can I help you?

中国长城工业公司。China great wall industry corporation.

中国租船公司。China national chartering corporation.

的口岸的对外贸易运输公司分公司。Corporation at the port of destination.

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他是一家着名公司的司理。He is a manager of a famous corporation.

马泰克生物科学公司诞生了。Martek Biosciences Corporation was born.

总裁解散了公司。The president disbanded the corporation.

我是刘鹏,是公司的经理。I'm Liu Peng, manager of the corporation.

通用电气是美国最大的公司。G. E. is the nation's largest corporation.

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目标企业估价模型。The targeted corporation valuating module.

这是迪吉恩公司的网站。This is the website of Digene Corporation.

公司名称,见第四章之第15.06节。Corporation name, see ch. 4, Section 15.06.

他一直充当这家大公司的智囊。He has brain-trusted the major corporation.

因此我们需要解释什么是股份公司。So we need toexplain what a corporation is.

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你的眼睛里,有团猎猎的火焰。Your eyes, a corporation Lielie the flames.

公司创办人给公司起名为CAP。The incorporators named the corporation CAP.

我是ABC公司的琼安·皮尔斯。This is Miss Joan Pierice of ABC Corporation.