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本文通过运用大量的案例分析,希望能使行文表达通俗易懂。The paper uses substantive cases to make it demotic and pellucid.

清澈的河水是当地居民的饮水、灌溉及生活卫生等问题的依靠。Locals depend on the pellucid waters for food, irrigation and hygiene.

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即使长大之后,人们也不会忘记她眼中的那一潭温柔隽永。Even she grow up, we'll not forget the pellucid and meaningful in her eyes.

雨渐渐停止了,空气中浮着一种奇异的、透明的五月之光。The rain was holding off, and in the air came a queer pellucid gleam of May.

通过一些直观的参数设置,可使线圈模型适用于不同的频率范围。By change some pellucid parameters, this model can work in different frequency.

透明隔移位的测量提示透明隔偏离大脑镰及中线。Measurement showed the septum pellucid deviated from falx cerebrum and midline.

在阅读这些乏味的哲学家,我觉得他的透明风格非常愉快。After reading these stodgy philosophers, I find his pellucid style very enjoyable.

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此外,我也采用澄明的深睡或在无梦的深睡保持默然的目睹。I also refer to pellucid deep sleep, or tacit witnessing in the deep dreamless state.

律师写了一封意思清楚的信件来避免任何的误解,同时坦率地表达了自己的看法。The lawyer wrote a pellucid letter to avoid any misunderstanding and to express her forthrightness.

滤盘水平设置,形成滤饼不变,过滤液澄清,不易失踪渣。Filter plate setting flatly, forms filter cake stably, with pellucid filtering liquid, not easy to drop dregs.

在此,我们提出一个十三岁女孩罹患此罕见肿瘤的病例及清晰的磁振造影影像。In this article, we present a 13-year-old girl with this primary intracranial tumor and its pellucid magnetic resonance imaging findings.

与前一种方法相比,它的优点是简单、易懂,而且这种方法还可以在不影响已有数据的情况下添加新的分类器重新组合。Compare with former method it"s merits are simple, pellucid and this method can be appended new classifiers without affecting former training data."

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文言要少而精、易懂,且利于沟通传统文化精粹和欣赏艺术创作。Classical Chinese should be extractive, pellucid and propitious to communicate the distillate of traditional culture, enjoy the artistic composition.

是空间数据仓库系统的主要应用,它通过复杂的空间分析操作,为决策者提供直观易懂的查询结果。It is the main application of data warehouse systems, and it can present intuitionistic and pellucid result through complicated spatial analysis operation.

实验中观察到澄清的溶液循环一段时间后开始变混浊,几乎同时加热铜管内表面也开始形成水垢。During the course of experiment, pellucid solution began to become turbid after several hours, and copper tube inside wall started scaling almost in the same time.

这些程序各自独立,分别实现不同的采集模式,程序设计逻辑简洁流畅,使用方法简单,人机交互界面高效。These programs are independent one another, used to realize different sampling modes. The design logic is clear and fluent, with pellucid operation method and high-efficiency interface.

小天池位于庐山东北小天池山,一口碧水清澈的水池位于中央,久旱不涸,久雨不溢。The skyey and pellucid Xiaotianchi is located on the Xiaotianchi Mountain, the northeast of Lushan. The lake will never run dry after long drought and never overflow after the long rain.

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德可福清香花生油色泽清亮,味道天然清香,常规烹饪几乎没有油烟,被誉为厨房健康专家。DCF oil is pure and pellucid , with a crystal color and a smell of natural fragrance. It is praised as Kitchen Health Oil Smoke Expert for the lowest oil smoke concentration in normal cooking.

病理观察显示,治疗组囊包周围炎症较轻,可见透明带和钙盐沉积。Pathologic examination revealed a light inflammatory reactions around larvae and cysts in the treated groups of mice, and the pellucid zone and sedimentation of calcium salts could be demonstrated.

实验中借助高分辨率数码相机对溶液从澄清到混浊整个过程进行拍照观察,发现其中蕴含的一些规律。In the process of experiments, many high quality pictures were taken when solution transformed from pellucid to turbid in virtue of high Resolving Power Digital Camera, and some rules were summarized.