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我可没笑。I ain't laughing.

我为什么要笑?Why am I laughing?

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比伯笑着说。Bibb said, laughing.

她笑着说。” she said, laughing.

他们大笑着驶开了。They drove off laughing.

啊,笑死我啦!Oh,I'm dying of laughing.

一起说说笑笑。Laughing with me together.

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博须埃放声大笑。Bossuet burst out laughing.

我差点笑死。I could have died laughing.

接着,她们放声大笑。And they burst out laughing.

丹丹偷偷地笑了。Daniel is laughing secretly.

大宝在哭还是在笑?Is Dumbo crying or laughing?

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乘客都在笑呢。The passengers are laughing.

看,你们笑了See, you're already laughing.

我们几乎笑死了。We nearly died with laughing.

但是笑或哭或许是可以的。But laughing or crying may be.

我忍不住笑了。I couldn't keep from laughing.

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龙忽然哈哈地笑起来。The dragon burst out laughing.

我笑得筋疲力尽。I am tuckered out from laughing.

我几乎笑得无法写下去了!I can hardly write for laughing.