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要知道肯定会有人曲解你的话语。Know that there are people who will misrepresent you.

如果你歪曲了计划中的内容,我们将告诉你。you misrepresent what's in the plan, we will call you out.

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大众媒体在不断地歪曲科学和医学。The mass media consistently misrepresent science and medicine.

事实上,我认为考试本身歪曲了其真正的功能。In fact, I think the tests themselves misrepresent their real function.

这些机构要么隐藏自己同美国方面的联系,要么声称莫须有的代表名义。These agents also often misrepresent or conceal their U.S. affiliations.

这些中介还常常歪曲或是隐瞒自己在美国的关系。These agents also often misrepresent or conceal their U. S. affiliations.

在评估绩效时,千万不要错估了部属的表现。Never misrepresent a subordinate's performance during performance appraisals.

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分析语评论应该标明出处,以避免歪曲事实或语境。Analysis and commentary should be labeled and not misrepresent fact or context.

而且,穷人并没有政府统计资料所误导的那么贫穷。Further, the poor are not as poor as government statistics intentionally misrepresent.

不要说任何误导性的言语,如果他们缺乏语境。Don't say anything that would misrepresent your message if it was taken out of context.

如果他们碰到一个土块,我不懂生物,如果我说错了就告诉我啊。If they come to a clump, I know nothing about biology, so if I misrepresent something, let me know.

若您谎报年龄,无论是多报或少报,您的帐户得被删除,而无须提醒您。Your account may be deleted without warning if you misrepresent your age, whether older or younger.

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随着美国的争论加剧,中国官员试图掩饰封网的规模。As the American debate intensifies, Chinese officials misrepresent the extent of Internet filtering.

存在一种倾向,就是为这些项目歪曲哈贝马斯的原始想法的公共领域。There is a tendency for these projects to misrepresent Habermas's original idea of the public sphere.

占星家不歪曲他们的信息来源,并尽一切努力,以核实其准确性。Astrologers do not misrepresent their sources of information, and make every effort to verify their accuracy.

我们怎能希望选举者在政治家不断地扭曲事实中明白真实的财政情况?How can we expect voters to appreciate fiscal reality when politicians consistently misrepresent that reality?

如果你篡改了医改方案的内容,我们会把你开掉,我也不会接受把维持现状作为一种解决方案。If you misrepresent what's in the plan, we'll call you out. And I will not accept the status quo as a solution.

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占星家不利用他们的服务接受者方面的费用,也没有歪曲其费用。Astrologers do not exploit recipients of their services with respect to fees, nor do they misrepresent their fees.

想道这里,明兰不由得暗暗期待起来——完了,她发觉自己越来越扭曲了。Think the way is here, clear orchid not from must secretly expect-finish, she discovered she to pile up misrepresent.

利用“1/8”的统计数字可以制成一个醒目的标题,但是可能显著歪曲个人的乳腺癌风险。Using the statistic 'one in eight' makes a strong headline but can dramatically misrepresent individual breast cancer risk.