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每个人都会做梦,但梦与梦不同。All men dream, but not equally.

我们将钱分平了。We divided up the money equally.

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同样,藤壶胶也很特别。Barnacle glue is equally special.

这句话同样适用于新长安。It applies equally to new Changan.

这个反命题同样是正确的。The contrapositive is equally true.

二者都同样是遥远和空虚的。Both are equally remote and vacuous.

英国的举措也是同样大胆。The British approach is equally bold.

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电子是被平均共价的。The electrons here are shared equally.

好莱坞似乎也正有此意。Hollywood seems equally eager to do so.

蓝天为世人所共有。The blue sky belongs equally to us all.

那时你也同样心如火燎。You were equally on fire at the moment.

期望,2006年有一个相对强大的一线。Expect an equally strong line-up in 2006.

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就像婴儿学说话一样。Just as the baby learns to speak equally.

业余拳击比赛也同样精彩。The amateur bouts are equally impressive.

他们没有平等对待,直到1881年。They were not treated equally until 1881.

我们都是等同于瞎子一样的梦想者。We are all as equally blind as visionary.

两个氢原子将平分能量。Both hydrogens are going to share equally.

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单个国家为不团结付出的代价也不一样。Nor do the costs of disunity fall equally.

他的粤语版,同样是太棒了!His cantonese version is equally fantastic!

我们沦为牺牲品的可能性不尽相同。We are not all equally likely to fall prey.