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43岁时她成为当地的女修道院院长。At age 43 she became abbess of her community.

修道院的院长被称为女修道院院长。The superior of an abbey is called an abbess.

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很久以前,一个小修道院里有一个女修道院院长。Once upon a time, there was an abbess in a small abbey.

大修道院是一个修道院,由住持或住持。A large monastery is an Abbey headed by an Abbot or an abbess.

修道院院长表示修女们希望她们的唱片能对人们的生活有所触动。The abbess said the nuns hope the record will touch people's lives.

我一人如何掘得开坟墓?且和石道姑商量则个。But, how can I open the grave by myself? I had better consult with Abbess Shih.

被石道姑这一撞破,那女子多半受了惊吓,第二天未曾再来。Most likely the girl was scared by Abbess Shih, for she did not come the following evening.

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再后来她去了德国,并且在海登海姆一个特大的修道院作了修道院长。Then she moved on to Germany, where she was made abbess of a double monastery at Heidenheim.

可敬的修女长爱比丝表示该修女会从来没有主动寻求任何合约,而是合约自己来找她们的。The Reverend Mother Abbess said that the order never sought the deal, but rather it came looking for them.

“他师父一来,余信家的就赶上来,和他师父咕唧了半日,想是就为这事了。”。As soon as the abbess arrived, Yu Xin's wife hurried over and whispered with her for a while. That must be why.

未经有管辖权的,住持行使权力,所有在众议院,并命令在凭借自己的誓言。Without having jurisdiction, the abbess exercises authority over all in the house, and commands in virtue of their vows.

如今,这位女修道院院长正在国际互联网路上的“全球网”超级档上为超凡拔俗的宗教生活阐明自己的立场。Now the abbess is making her case for a religious life removed from worldly distractions-on the internet's world wide web.

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如今,这位女修道院院长正在国际互联网络上的“全球网”超级文件上为超凡拔俗的宗教生活阐明自己的立场。Now the abbess is making her case for a religious life removed from worldly distractions-on the internet's world wide web.

有两次女修道院院长为罗宾的病放血,但是这似乎对他没有什么帮助。Twice the Abbess bled Robin for his sickness, but it seemed to do him little good, and while he lay there Abbot Hugo of St.

后来这所教堂成为兰卡斯特的教区教堂,有权任命西恩大教堂下属的教区牧师。After this the church became the Parish Church of Lancaster with the right to appoint the vicar in the hands of Abbess of Syon.

农把送给道的礼物交到院长嬷嬷手里,院长觉得奇异今天怎样找道的人那么多,农听了觉得事有蹊跷。The gift of tao farmers to make the mother abbess hand, dean think today how to find ways of singular person be so many, farming listened to think can smell a rat.

女修道院院长离开了他们,小约翰很快地扎好血管,但是他看到罗宾的嘴唇苍白得没有任何血色,听到他的呼吸急促起来,小约翰知道这回完了。The Abbess left them, and Little John bound up the vein quickly. But he saw that Robin's lips were almost white, and heard how his breath came with fluttering swiftness.

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假使这件事我帮你的忙,你就得送我你所监护的玛丽安,她和修女院院长住在科克里斯,给任何人对你并没有损失。If I give you my help in this matter, you shall give me your ward Marian, who is under shelter at Kirklees with the Abbess there, but is none the less yours to give to any man.