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它是很好闻的草的味道,并且吸收很快。It has a pleasant comfrey smell and is absorbed fast.

奥图玫瑰精油、芦荟、洋甘菊、薰衣草、人参萃取精华、紫草萃取精华。Rose Otto Oil, Aloe Vera, Chamomile, Lavender, Ginseng and Comfrey extracts.

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含有三色萃和西门肺草的护肤产品对问题肌肤尤其有效。Skin products with wild pansy and comfrey are especially helpful for problem skin.

含有三色萃和紫草科类植物的护肤产品对问题肌肤尤其有效。Skin products with wild pansy and comfrey are especially helpful for problem skin.

尿囊素,取自紫草科植物,因舒缓,支持和振兴肌肤而得名。Allantoin, from the comfrey plant is renowned for its ability to soothe, support and revitalize skin.

治疗组用紫草油纱条填塞创口,对照组用凡士林纱条填塞创口,连续换药。Use comfrey oil gauze to pack the wound in treatment group Use vaseline gauze to pack the wound in the control group.

劝告消费者请教医学专业人员用选择适当的治疗方法替代紫草科植物。Consumers are advised to consult their health care professional regarding suitable alternative therapies to replace comfrey.

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聚合草经常添加在化妆水中,因为它有利于对抗干燥并帮助防止皱纹。Comfrey is added to lotion because it guards against dryness and helps prevent wrinkles because it encourages skin cell regeneration.

以牛蒡、紫草、小麦以及浆果提取物为主要成分,能强韧、营养和保护头发,同时塑造出蓬松质感、活力四射的发型。With Burdock, Comfrey , Wheat and extract of Berries to strengthen, protect and nourish. Perfect for dishevelled and separated styles that require a solid hold.

聚合草又名紫根草、爱国草,在生产上被称为俄罗斯饲料菜,为紫草科聚合草属牧草。Comfrey is also known as purple blades of grass, patriotic grass, which is called Russian Fodder Vegetables in the production, for the aggregate Boraginaceae spp.

富含人参、紫草精华和胶原蛋白,添加积雪草油,在夜晚源源不断的给细胞注入能量。Promote cellular regeneration with this replenishing overnight treatment formulated with collagen-enhancing Centella oil plus phyto-nutrients Ginseng and Comfrey.

将三色萃加入蒸气浴中能在精神上和身体上起到润滑并舒缓的效果。含有三色萃和西门肺草的护肤产品对问题肌肤尤其有效。Add wild pansy to steam baths to sooth and comfort yourself mentally and physically. Skin products with wild pansy and comfrey are especially helpful for problem skin.

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聚合草被添加到化妆水中,因为它能够抗干燥、防皱纹,并能够促进肌肤细胞再生,但是这种草药不能内服。Comfrey is added to lotion because it guards against dryness and helps prevent wrinkles and encourages skin cell regeneration. It is not an herb you want to take internally however.

橄榄油、小麦胚芽油、蜂蜡、蜂蜜、紫草根、白栎树皮、毛蕊草、黑胡桃叶、蜀葵根、艾草叶、石渣根、黄岑叶和半边莲的叶片。Olive oil, wheat germ oil, beeswax, honey, comfrey root, white oak bark, mullein leaf, black walnut leaf, marshmallow root, wormwood leaf, gravel root, scullcap leaf and lobelia leaf.