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超大2000W功率,超强火力。Large 2000W power, super firepower.

炮兵火力比步兵大。The artillery has more firepower than the infantry.

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他们戴上头盔,披上护甲,拿上重火力武器。They grab helmets, body armor, and heavy firepower.

欧洲央行是否准备投入足够的弹药是完成整个拼图的关键一环。The firepower of the ECB is the key to this entire puzzle.

枪的瞄准器必须与射击目标对准成一线。To aim or concentrate firepower on an exact target location.

弹药是火力打击和火力毁伤的基础。Ammunition is the base of firepower blow and firepower damage.

卡通风格的飞行射击游戏,画面华丽,火力强劲!Cartoon-style flight shooting game, showing gorgeous, strong firepower !

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军机的火力配置还有尼贝尔霍夫多管火箭发射器。Corps-level firepower was provided by Nebelwerfer multiple rocket launchers.

他们只会尊重我们坦克飞机和武装直升机的威力。They respect only the firepower of our tanks, planes, and helicopter gunships.

灶头火力大小可通过调节灶头开关,任意调节。The strength of the stove firepower can be adjusted by the switch on the stove.

美国当局集中火力攻击泄密者及其盟友。The US authorities are concentrating their firepower on leakers and their friends.

相信在缺少韩鹏的日子,鲁能的进攻火力不会有多大的影响。Han believes the lack of time, Luneng's offensive firepower will not have much impact.

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单兵种对多兵种作战的最优策略是研究多兵种对多兵种作战最优策略的基础。Optimal firepower assignment strategy of 1 Vs many combat is the basis of many Vs many.

救助方案需要回答的第一个大问题是救助火力似嫌不足。The first big hole in the plan seems to be a lack of firepower behind the rescue effort.

但不行的是,超强威力的另一面是长得令人难以忍受的装填时间。Unfortunately the down side of all this firepower is that it takes an eternity to reload.

匕子侦察、电子干扰或火力攻击等任务。Duties and so on dagger sub-reconnaissance, electronic countermeasure or firepower attack.

新的阿琼MK.2型相比它的前身拥有更好的防护,火力和机动性。The new Arjun Mk. 2 has improved protection, firepower and mobility over it's predecessor.

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但“科迪亚克熊”装甲车也优中有劣,即火力显得较弱。But "Kodiak Bear" is also superior in armored vehicles have poor, that seems less firepower.

皮克林同意这种说法。‘智能会给我们的未来提供火力支援和动力支撑。’And Pickering agreed. 'Their brainpower will give us firepower and horsepower for the future.

战列巡洋舰拥有战列舰一样的火力,但只能靠速度作为防御。Battlecruisers are ships with the firepower of a battleship, but must rely on speed for defense.