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领地的占有者享有一定的特权。The tenants of the demesne enjoyed certain privileges.

土地的所有者享有一定的特权。The tenants of the demesne enjoyed certain privileges.

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慈提到荷马的骄傲的领域时,他指的是史诗。Keats is referring to epic poetry when he mentions Homers proud demesne.

这将使私有视频网站重获生气。This will make demesne opportunity of survival of video website recovery.

一是把他们当作私有财产,当作大人的附属品。It is regard them as demesne belongings, regard as the furniture of adult.

在私有软件世界里,多数人的意见表达了巨大的商业意志。Be in demesne in software world, the opinion of most person expressed enormous commercial will.

对国有资产实行私有化,是蒙古经济转轨的首要任务和突破口。Execute to state-owned asset change demesne , it is the first job of Mongolia economy shunt and breach.

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除非被一个或更多沉睡者亲眼目睹,否则在领地内施展的破则法术自动视为常态法术。Vulgar magic cast within a Demesne is considered to be covert, unless witnessed by one or more Sleepers.

最后指出这套理论的缺陷,尤其是在对待私有产权制度时的狭隘。Point out this covers academic flaw finally, be in especially treat demesne when property right system narrow.

俄罗斯、东欧国家的私有化进程自然也引起了人们的普遍关注。The turned process nature to also cause people demesne widespread attention of Russia, Eastern European country.

都可以拆票,相信日后有类似私有化机会时,会有更多拆票。Can tear open a ticket, believe to have in the future similar when turning a chance demesne , can more tears open a ticket.

我们所有人都在永恒地在进行着一场人性中较好的一面和内心深处黑暗面之间的斗争,这让我们总是感到愤慨。It is a constant battle the rage we with all last, between the better angle of our nature, and the temptation of our inner demesne.

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为了推动广大居民参与投资,乌政府参照某些国家经验推行私有化投资基金。Participate in investment to prompt broad resident, black government consults certain state experience is carried out spend investment fund demesne.

一般来说,土地征用是国家与政府为了公共目的而强制取得私有土地,并给予补偿的一种行为。Generally speaking, land commandeer is country and government are obtained compulsively for common goal demesne land, give compensatory a kind of action.

转型国家私有化在宏观经济层面的得失说明私有化并非所有权的变更那么简单。Transition country changes the specification of gain and loss in macroscopical economy level to spend the change that is not droit demesne demesne so simple.

同时,传统体育对广泛人群的适应性使广场成为传承和普及传统体育的领地。At the meanwhile the adaptability of the people on the traditional physical culture made the plaza to be the demesne of inheriting and popularizing the traditional physical culture.

俄罗斯和捷克在证券私有化方式上存在很大的不同,不同的私有化改革方式形成了不同的产权结构。Russia and Czech change the existence on means demesne in negotiable securities very big different, different changed reform means to form different property right structure demesne.