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全身装扮透射出一种相当俗艳的性感。The outfit projected a rather tawdry sexuality.

这一媒体产物曾花哨俗气,现在却时髦风行。A once tawdry media product has become fashionable.

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当时的甜蜜和伤心立马变得卑鄙和恶俗起来。What seemed sweet and sad immediately turns shabby and tawdry.

只有感情丰富的受虐狂才愿意重温那风风光光的九十年代。Only a sentimental masochist would want to relive the tawdry 1990s.

这次的俗艳故事将会有深远的影响,这也本是应该的。The consequences of this tawdry tale will be far-reaching, and so they should be.

留下你的评论以及和美丽头脑社区的人分享你的华丽秘密。Leave a comment and share your tawdry secrets with the rest of the Beauty Brains community.

经典文化和艺术已经被低俗的故弄玄虚,外国仪式和假期的照片所替代。Classic culture and art have been replaced by tawdry mystifications, exotic rites and vacation photos.

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路两边都有停汽车的地方,还有俗里俗气、灯火通明的酒巴间。There was Parking room for motors on each side of the road, and there were saloons , tawdry and bright.

或许这类人的存在,正证明了美国式理想并非无可挑剔,或者说它也在经受着现实的折磨That they exist is a proof that American ideals are not the tawdry pretenses they are so often accused of being.

或许这类人的存在,正证明了美国式理想并非无可挑剔,或者说它也在经受着现实的折磨,“That they exist is a proof that American ideals are not the tawdry pretenses they are so often accused of being.

即使是在这个数码交流的时代,来到滑雪胜地会让你觉得自己脱离了日常的材米油盐。Even in the age ofdigital communication, there is a feeling of being painlessly separated fromthe tawdry business of everyday life.

桑德海姆能够在曾经那么华丽、影响深远的开端下继续这个故事,这简直非比寻常。It's extraordinary that Sondheim was able to build on something that really has such tawdry beginnings. Something that's just so profound.

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我从帷幔后边扫视整个剧场。真是俗不可耐,尽布置些爱神和丰饶角热闹得像个三等的婚礼蛋糕。I looked out from behind the curtain and surveyed the house. it was a tawdry affair call cupids and cornucopias like third-rate wedding-cake.

我很清楚她们的思想,充斥着,俗不可耐的梦想,平凡的生活,她们的家庭,以及对高深东西的抵触,对待性的态度,她们的丈夫。I learned about their tawdry dreams, their simple hopes, their home lives their fear of feeling anything deeply, Their sex problems, their husbands.

该频道在1996年把自己重新定位为以弹出视频方式提供华丽怀旧的供应者,在六年后以“我爱80年代”达到了形式的完美。The channel reinvented itself in 1996 as a purveyor of tawdry nostalgia with Pop-Up Video and perfected the form six years later with I Love the 80s.

许多选民,尤其是在陆克文的家乡昆士兰州的选民们,仍在在指责劳动党大佬们在执政中期做出鲁莽的撤换党首的决定。And many voters, especially in Mr Rudd's crucial home state of Queensland, still disapprove of the tawdry way Labor bosses switched horses in mid-stream.

长岛对由情欲引起的犯罪已形成了本地独有的、表面壮烈实则鄙俗的处理手法,用谋杀代替离婚来解决争风吃醋方面的仇怨这一行径便是其中一例。Long island has developed its own tawdry suburban version of the crime passional in which murder supplants divorce as a solution to the eternal triangle.

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最近为了关塔那摩囚犯该放到哪里的问题而小题大作是低俗政治,是被绝望的共和党人鼓动起来的,还有国会民主党人的顺势串通。The recent fuss over where to put the Guantánamo prisoners is tawdry politics, incited by desperate Republicans with the supine complicity of congressional Democrats.

桌上及箱子里满是古董珠宝、女式手提袋、豪华腕表、高尔夫球具以及打猎用的诱饵鸭,尽管它们曾经的主人是一位富有的“世纪巨骗”,但这些物品看起来有些廉价而俗丽。There is something a little tawdry about tables and cases filled with old jewelry purses, watches, duck decoys and golf clubs, even if they once belonged to a wealthy crook.

只要你记载的事迹不要变成纯粹为了娱乐大众写的一箩筐卑贱谎言,也许你所写的传会有些优点,瓦罗。So long as your tale does not turn into some tawdry bundle of lies existing solely to titillate the common reader, perhaps your relation of 's tale will have some merit, Volo.