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否则你会没法排练的。You'll never be able to rehearse.

告诉我你在我身上有用过心吗?。Just tell me did you rehearse on me?

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多多练习,可以先和朋友进行排练。Practice using it. Rehearse with a friend.

在睡眠中,也不去演习完美的捕杀和吞食。Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat.

在大型演讲前多排演几次。Rehearse several times before the big talk.

未来的舌头也会将你永传诵。And tongues to be, your being shall rehearse.

舞蹈演员们在基洛夫芭蕾舞团的故乡排演。Dancers rehearse in the hometown of the Kirov Ballet.

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每年我都要排练一下我自己的小节目,以防万一。Every year, I rehearse my own little act, just in case.

定时排练,腾出一些可能出现的意外的时间。Rehearse with a timer and allow time for the unexpected.

花时间排练几种可靠选择。Take the time to rehearse several reliable alternatives.

实际上,有计划地排练即兴幽默是很有用的。It’s very beneficial to actually plan and rehearse ad libs.

在你的好友,最好是同事面前排练。Rehearse in front of a friend or, better, a few colleagues.

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那是一个很好的场地,我们一定要去看看舞台和去采排一下。It was a good venue. We got to see the stage and rehearse a bit.

我们剧社将排演一出小剧场话剧。Our theatrical company will rehearse and stage a small theatre drama.

我们有2天的时间和全体的舞台工作人员一起排演,那是在Rize。We had 2 days to rehearse with the whole stage crew. That was in Rize.

一旦你把整个场景都想好了,就再快速地演练几遍。Once you have the whole scene worked out, mentally rehearse it for speed.

他们可以清楚地看到想要的结果,一遍又一遍地预演。They see the result they want clearly and rehearse it over and over again.

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参与歌舞片的一大乐事在于,要彩排两个月。One of the joys ofworking on a musical is that you rehearse for two months.

演练戴紧防毒面具和固定安全背心。Rehearse the moves of tightening an air mask and securing a flotation vest.

威廉排戏辛苦了,需要注意保重身体。William rehearse played the pain, and the demand notice to take care of health.