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你对健康的气候感兴趣吗?Do healthful climates interest you?

金花茶饮料是极其有益人体健康的饮品。Golden Camellia Tea is a very healthful drink.

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那这些素食主义的健康的益处是什么呢?And what are these healthful benefits of vegetarianism.

绿茶叶相信有许多有益健康的好处。G reen tea is believed to have many healthful benefits.

重点是那些健康的全谷类,豆类和含淀粉的蔬菜。Focus on healthful whole grains, beans and starchy vegetables.

总该有办法把烹饪和健康的饮食结合起来吧。There had to be some way to combine cooking with healthful eating.

你对健康的气候感兴趣吗?来南岛这个地方就对了。Do healthful climates interest you? South Island is the place to be.

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如此说来,鱼油实际上可能只在某些情况下起到助益健康的作用。So, fish oil might in fact have a healthful role in some circumstances.

东方人不吃黄油,他们更喜欢对对健康非常有益处的花生油。The Orientals use no butter. They prefer the very healthful peanut oil.

许多老中认为在太阳下晒衣服有益健康。Many Chinese believe that it is healthful to air clothes out in the sun.

所以是咖啡中的什么成分赋予它如此健康的特性呢?So just what does coffee contain that gives it such healthful properties?

文中还就五桂山保健植物的开发利用提出建议。Some suggestions for utilization of the healthful plants were put forward.

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如果“素食”多为油炸食品或高脂肪食品,那样一点也不利健康。A "vegetarian" diet rich in deep-fried or high-fat foods is far from healthful.

相反,购买健康的零食并允许孩子从食物柜里自由取得。Instead, buy healthful snacks and give children free access to the food cabinets.

要是“素菜”多为油炸食品或高脂肪食品,那样子一点儿也倒霉健康。A "vegetarian" diet rich in deep-fried or hellogh-fat foods is far from healthful.

我们去到超市,下定决心要看紧我们的钱包并选择健康的食品。We go to the supermarket resolved to watch our pennies and choose healthful foods.

论证了黑米色素可以作为一种具有天然保健功能的色素添加剂。It proves that black rice pigment can serve as a natural healthful pigment additive.

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健康合理的膳食是控制高血压的一级防线。A healthful diet is an effective first-line defense for preventing high blood pressure.

该网站旨在为消费者提供有关健康饮食的实用信息。The site isdesigned to provide consumers with practical information on healthful eating.

所以健康的好处可能不全在于食品而在于选择的生活方式。So the healthful benefits may not all be in the food but in the chosen lifestyle as well.