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NHTSA在2月3日展开调查时,报告称接到124个投诉.NHTSA reported 124 complaints when it opened the investigation on Feb 3.

他们说,通常NHTSA会在汽油车碰撞测试后放掉剩余的燃料。NHTSA normally drains fuel from gasoline-powered cars after crash tests, they said.

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据NHTSA官网数据,约有249,300辆2010款车受其影响。About 249, 300 cars from the 2010 model year may be affected, NHTSA said today on its website.

安全局表示,此次对沃特的安全检查并没有波及到其他电力车。Safety testing hasn't raised concerns about electric vehicles other than the Volt, NHTSA said.

"引擎会毫无预警地在任何速度下熄火,而且无法再次发动,"NHTSA在其网站上的一份报告中指出."The engine can stall at any speed without warning and not restart," NHTSA said in a report on its website.

通用汽车公司和国家公路交通安全局都指出,汽油发动机车在碰撞后极易起火。GM and NHTSA have pointed out that cars with gasoline-powered engines are susceptible to fires after a crash.

测试由国家公路交通安全管理局负责指挥,能源和国防部门在维吉尼亚州汉普顿大道附近负责预防措施。The tests were conducted by NHTSA and the Energy and Defense departments at a defense facility near Hampton Roads, Va.

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国家高速安全委员会成员代表告诉国会,在58起失控加速事件中,有35起是因为车主没有踩刹车造成的。Representatives of the NHTSA told members of Congress that brakes were simply not applied in 35 of the 58 cases they reviewed.

NHTSA官员将要求所有电动汽车厂商提供工程细节和发生事故时为保证安全而建议采取的措施。NHTSA officials are asking all electric-car makers for information on engineering details and steps recommended to ensure safety following an accident.

第一次的电池起火事件之后,通用公司的发言人曾抱怨说NHTSA没有释放掉碰撞测验后电池的剩余能量,这有违汽车制造商的碰撞流程。After the first battery fire, GM officials complained that NHTSA did not drain the battery of energy as called for under the automaker's crash procedures.

NHTSA和NASA采用了在电磁波干扰中运行的汽车进行测试,来验证干扰是否和事故有关系。NHTSA and NASA conducted vehicle tests in which engineersbombarded cars with electromagnetic radiation to see whether such radiationcould cause malfunctions.

尽管NHTSA官方说事实证明没有电子系统故障导致非受控加速,NASA的工程师更加确定了他们的结论。Although NHTSA officials said the evidence showed there are no electroniccauses for the acceleration reports, NASA engineers were more guarded in theirconclusions.

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国家公路交通安全管理局了解到,包括突然火灾后被损坏的沃特车电池在内的,存在潜在火灾风险的产品均已被分置于威斯康辛州伯灵顿市一个用来检测设备零件的停车场内。NHTSA learned of a possible fire risk involving damaged Volt batteries when a fire erupted in a Volt that was being stored in a parking lot of a test facility in Burlington, Wis.

在5月28日NHTSA发表的声明中称,自选脚垫应安装在驾驶座标准脚垫上。Optional all-weather floor mats should be installed after unfastening and removing the standard, carpeted floor mat on the driver’s side of the car, according to a May 28 NHTSA statement.

马自达2010年春天致美国国家公路交通安全局的信件中称,”我们公布了北美市场逐渐上升的事故发生率,于是我们决定对该市场做出更大规模的调查“。Mazda told NHTSA in the letter that in the spring of 2010, "we realised the occurrence rate was increasing in the North American market and then we began to study further field action for the market.