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至少他们应该知道自己在什么地方吧?They should at least know where theirselves are.

现在他们遇到了他们给自己带来的麻烦。Now they got into troble which they made for theirselves.

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面对我们的要求,一些人为我们竭尽全力地争取了一架飞机。Facing our request, some people lay theirselves out to strive for a plane for us.

教师专业发展是时代的要求,也是教师个人发展的需要。Teacher's professional developments is the request of our time and theirselves needs.

但是你知道,对于他们来说,有一个香烟这意味着休息,它可以放松自己。But did you know that, for them , have a cigarette it means have a rest, it can relax theirselves.

因此,面对大学生就业难的局面,无论是高校、社会、还是大学生个体都应该进行反思。Thereby, society, university and undergraduates theirselves should think over the inverse facing the employment difficulty.

健全者能够做到仅仅因为自己是个人,自己活着,就高兴活着,欣赏自己。They healthy person can do that happily only7 due to himself is a person , they alive , so they happy , and enjoy theirselves.

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人类对于不公正的行为加以指责,并非因为他们愿意做出这种行为,而是惟恐自己会成为这种行为的牺牲者。People tax with unfair actions, not because they will to do that, but afraid of theirselves would be victims under that actions.

“人文体育观”体现了时代发展对“人”的呼唤和人不断认识自我的强烈意识。The sense of human calture sportreflected that human was called by the times and strong aware of constant identification theirselves.

因此,长期以来,多经企业越来越没有活力,越来越不适应市场经济的运行规律。Consequently, The multi-industry enterprises have less and less vigor and can't acclimatize theirselves to the running rule of the market.

对于他们来说,灾难只是刚刚开始,怪物女儿和女婿的到来,给他们带来惊吓之余也感觉到自己的生命也受到了威胁。For theirselves , the mischance was just a beginning. They felt their lives are threatened while they were shocked with the coming of the two ogres.

在知识经济时代,如何使知识工作者自愿为公司奉献将是企业经营的一大重点。In the time of knowledge economy, making intellectual workers be willing to devote theirselves to their firm will be one focal point of firm management.

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这些途径常常从学生的外部着手进行,而较少考虑从学生本身来谈如何实施素质教育。These ways, however, often are implemented from students outside and we less think how to implement quality-education according to students theirselves.

当今世界,所有国家和地区的经济都是相互关联的,没有哪一个国家和地区能够在自我封闭的状态下得到发展。In today's community and world, the economy of all countries and areas are associated each other, none of them can develop theirselves in self-closed environments.

林博士简要介绍了微软亚洲工程院的情况,接着是在座的每一位同学做一个自我介绍,并简要谈谈对去微软亚洲工程院实习的原因和要求。Lin introduced Advanced Technology Center compactly. In the following, each student president introduced theirselves , and expressed their reasons and demands to have a practice there.

两个剧中的男女主人公都不被世俗婚姻制度所束缚,忠于爱情,忠于自我,不惜以生命为代价换取自己的真爱。The heroes and heroines in both plays were unwilling to be bound by the conventional marriage system. They were loyal to love as well as theirselves , and desperate to get their true love.