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这种妄想并没有维持很久。The delusion did not last long.

在三个层面上可见这是一个错觉。For delusion it is, on three levels.

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这当然是一厢情愿的海市蜃楼。This, of course, is a fond delusion.

我们以前曾经听到过这类愚蠢的幻想。We have heard this foolish delusion before.

唯有放下,所有幻觉与假相才得以消失。And that is how illusion and delusion vanishes.

我们就此陷入了同样荒谬的幻想。We've bought into the same ridiculous delusion.

你有被害妄想症吗?。Did you have the disease of persecutory delusion?

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我觉得这纯粹是一种谬论和错觉。I answer, that this is a gross fallacy and delusion.

毫无疑问,三星助长了这种错觉。No doubt inadvertently, Samsung feeds this delusion.

错觉的飓风从四面八方猛然地狂吹!Fiercely the hurricane of delusion rages on every side!

执著、幻想和妄想真的可怕!Obduracy , illusion and delusion of one can be terrible.

突然间发觉这么多年就过去了,还来不及思考理想已变成幻想。While without a sencond thought, the dream has became a delusion.

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停止唠叨可能意味着放弃控制他人的幻想。Maybe giving up nagging only means giving up the delusion of control.

是的,“巨富谬思”就是如此有力地毒害着美国。Yes, the Super-Rich Delusion is that powerful, infecting all America.

这种错觉便是你最爱的人,被其他东西替换掉了And the delusion is that the people you love the most have been replaced.

只要打开自动驾驶,不管我们是路痴还是废人都可以轻易上路。If open automated driving, whether we are all can wreck or road delusion.

人人本有清净纯真的佛性,只因烦恼无明而遮蔽了。We all have a pure and clear Buddha nature, obscured by worry and delusion.

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狂人,不过,凡是能够分析自己的妄想者就被称为哲学家。All are lunatics, but he who can analyze he delusion is called a philosopher.

全都是疯子,但如果他懂得分析他的妄想,他就叫做哲学家。All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusion is called a philosopher.

“是的,毕周,”斯巴塞太太说,“我对于受欺骗者总是有怜惜之心的。”Yes, Bitzer, " said Mrs. Sparsit. "I have always pitied the delusion , always.