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它精选软和硬顶版本。It featured soft- and hardtop versions.

其他配选配置还包含了疝气大灯、可硬顶篷和GPS导航系统。Other options include xenon headlamps, a removable hardtop and GPS navigation.

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有金属顶板的越野车穿过了市中心的十字路口到处漫游。The hardtop LandRover cruised through Rio Cristalino to the cross roads at the town centre.

该荒原狼可配备无论是碳纤维硬顶或软顶可拆卸。The Steppenwolf could be fitted with either a carbon fibre hardtop or a detachable soft top.

遗憾的是,你暂时还不能拥有空调,自动变速箱或者金属顶盖。Sadly, air conditioning, an automatic transmission and a hardtop are not currently available.

虽然现在流行的是硬顶式敞篷车,不过工艺上的奇迹永远不会过时。Even though hardtop convertibles are common today, the wonder of the engineering never passes.

Skyliner是首款拥有可伸缩硬顶而非纺织物车顶的敞篷车,于1957年推出。The Skyliner, the first convertible with a retractable hardtop instead of a fabric roof, appeared in 1957.

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和这正是雷克萨斯正在其新的运动,2010年是C伸缩硬顶敞篷。And that's exactly what Lexus is doing with its new campaign for the 2010 IS C retractable hardtop convertible.

伸缩硬顶提高和降低约三十秒的帮助下,一个电动马达和液压系统。The retractable hardtop is raised and lowered in about thirty seconds with the help of an electric motor and hydraulics.

这是中国首款拥有自主知识产权的电控硬质篷顶的车型。It is the first Chinese vehicle with independent intellectual property rights which comes with an electrically operated hardtop.

旁蒂克卡特琳娜轿跑的前门后方没有支撑车顶的支柱,这种别致的造型为这款轿跑赋予了一种了动感飘逸的感觉,这也对所谓硬顶敞篷车的流行起了推波助澜的效作用。With no pillar behind the front door to support the roof, Pontiac coupes had a sporty, airy feel that helped popularize the style known as hardtop convertibles.

后来我爸爸又买了一辆载重0.75吨的金属顶盖高加速性能雪佛莱车,还雇了3个人来当保镖--在I-95公路上很抢眼,他们把这叫做“大麻快递”。Later my dad bought a hardtop Chevy pickup with a three-quarter-ton capacity, and hired three others to drive convoy-style up I-95, or what he called the "Reefer Express."

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独一无二的可收合硬顶设计可以让驾驶者随心所欲地在轿跑车、敞篷车、半敞篷车或是高速跑车之间自由变换,而一切只需通过一个按钮即可完成。Its unique retractable hardtop design allows the car to transform itself at the touch of a button, from a coupe to a convertible, from a targa to a speedster, depending on the driver′s mood.

S8是国内首款具有硬顶敞篷技术的自主轿跑车,驾驶员只要轻轻按下开关,折叠硬顶就可以自动开启或关闭,整个过程只需要25秒。The new product is the first hardtop coupe developed by a domestic company. Drivers of the S8 only need to press a button to quietly fold or stow away the hardtop, which only takes 25 seconds.