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他兴奋的旋转起来。He spun with excitement.

他编造了一个他自己冒险的故事。He spun a tale of his adventures.

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但是,赌城的经济扩张一下子失控了。But expansion spun out of control.

苏哈吓了一跳,迅速转过头来。Startled, Suha spun around quickly.

接着,把梳理和精梳过的银线纺成纱。Carded and combed sliver is then spun.

旋动火轮,火焰马上就会燃烧。Spun the wheel and have instant flame.

他抢了我的钱包我告诉了我的叔叔。He robbed my purse and I spun my uncle.

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亚碧姬不断旋转,所以头晕了。Abigail spun around so much she got dizzy.

莫里抬起一根手指转动着。Morrie lifted a finger and spun it around.

滑冰者在冰上快速转圈。The skater spun round and round on the ice.

我们整整等了一个小时才叫到一辆出租车。We spun out a whole hour waiting for a taxi.

他把他抱起来,在空中飞转。He lifted him in the air and spun him around.

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他胡诌了一个他在非洲的冒险故事。He spun a yarn about his adventures in Africa.

它在1975年被分拆出来成为一家独立的公司。It was spun off as a separate company in 1975.

星期天的旅游者一清早就乘车离开了。Sunday trippers spun away early in the morning.

收赌注的人祝他好运,然后将轮盘转动起来。The croupier wished him luck and spun the wheel.

我的车子突然间打滑失控,撞上了一棵树。My car suddenly spun out and crashed into a tree.

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于是他们很高兴地在隐蔽的小洞穴里织起网来。So they spun and were glad in the sly little den.

车轮甩了出去,汽车撞到一棵树上。The wheel spun off and the car crashed into a tree.

导弹陀螺仪的旋转起来,他们已经准备好飞行。Missile gyros are spun up, and they're ready to fly.