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我恳请你现在就走。I implore you to go now.

你的膜拜者跪下双膝哀求你!Your devotees are on their knees to implore you !

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恳求右卵巢囊肿保守治疗的有效药?Implore right ovary cyst to keep the effective medicine treating?

是,瑞吉斯母亲,但只是来恳求你结束这场战争。Yes, Mother Regess, but only to implore you to end this struggle.

如果你错过了那篇文章,我恳请你移步看看那些评论。If you missed that post, I implore you to go back and look at the comments.

我们恳请大家保持冷静,并保证你在一个安全的地方。We implore all of you to remain calm and assure that you are in a safe place.

我恳求我的同路人,去自行探索黑暗。Instead, I would implore my fellow travelers to go in search of the darkness yourself.

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另一方面,当用户身故,家属又央求他们交出数字钥匙。The other hand, when the user dies, the family also implore them to hand over key figures.

“我代表美国人民,急切恳求你把我们收回去,”信中写道。"On behalf of the American people, I urgently implore you to take us back, " the letter read.

我们,在生命的这头,恳求你们千万不要落入这强加给你们的恐惧攻击的圈套中。We, on this side of life, implore you not to fall for the fear of attack that will be foisted on you.

我深深地恳求你不要把我逐出你的爱门之外,我一分一秒也不能缺少你的爱。I deeply implore you don't leave me out your love door outside, I minute also cannot lack of your love.

从你自己埋怨取得的没有用处。不再恳求他人你自己所能取得的。Obtain from yourself all that makes complaining useless. No longer implore from others what you yourself can obtain.

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目的探讨各种自体组织在耳鼻咽喉头颈肿瘤手术缺损修复中的应用。Objective To implore the application of various self-tissues in repairment of postoperative injury of ENT-head-neck tumor.

人们通常不同意特定颜色的含义以及设计者应使用什么颜色来表达特定的情感。People will often disagree about what certain colors mean and what colors designers should use to implore a certain emotion.

政客们恳求我去购物来“改善经济”,鼓励我去购物、借贷,凑乎着用自己的东西。When politicians implore me to go shopping to “improve the economy, ” I’m inspired to swap, borrow, and make do with what I have.

我恳求你,陌生人,请你帮助我们。找到一个方法去除这个可怕的诅咒,我们就以对你不变的忠诚为代价。I implore you, stranger. Please help us. Find a way to lift this terrible curse and we will pledge our loyalty to you for all time.

亲爱的穆斯林兄弟,谢谢你提出的有趣的问题,我们祈求安拉慈悯我们能够幸福愉快地居住在天园中。Dear brother in Islam, thanks for your interesting question and we implore Allah to grant us all a happy and blessed abode in Paradise.

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在这样一个感恩有季节,我恳求我们的在线读者们,走出去,帮帮那些处在困境当中的人们,确保孩子们能够吃饱穿暖。During this season of giving, I implore our online readers to reach out to those who are struggling and help ensure that children are fed.

我可以提供你热食和歌曲,希望你能在这里待到黎明,我的营火和歌曲是今晚给你的礼物。I implore thee to pause and rest until dawn. My fire and my song shall be thine for an eve Which of these gifts wouldst thou gladly receive?

你要么乞求他们改变自身行为,要么强迫他们改变自身行为,或者你需要教育他们来改变自身行为You either need to implore them to behave differently, you need to coerce them to behave differently, or you need to educate them to behave differently.