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矿区水文地质条件简单。The hydrogeology condition of mining area is simple.

这一主题被分为水文地质学和地质水文学。The subject matter was subdivided into geohydrology and hydrogeology.

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分析了箱涵的工程地质条件和水文地质条件。The paper analyzes the geology and hydrogeology conditions for the project.

“连续介质中的非连续流”是现代水文地质学中一个崭新的研究领域。The "non-continuous flow in continuous medium"is a new field in researching modern hydrogeology.

水文地质学通常以水头高度直接表达开采过程中的压力变化。In hydrogeology the pressure variation during exploitation is often indicated directly by water head height.

HIS是矿井安全生产和矿井水文地质资料的科学管理的有效途径和方法。HIS is the valid method in the mine safe production and scientific administering of the mine hydrogeology data.

广东省地质勘查局水文工程地质一大队。The First Party of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Guangdong Bureau of Geology and Mineral Investigation.

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环境水文地质学涉及地下流体流动和物质与能量迁移的研究。Environmental Hydrogeology concerns the study of flow of fluids and transport of mass and energy in the subsurface.

介绍了张集矿立井基岩段水文地质和基岩地面预注浆的有关情况。Hydrogeology of the basement section and prior ground injection of pulp into it are described for the shafts of Zhangjimine.

在水文地质勘探试验中发现,各类不同设备抽水产生的水跃值各不相同。From investigating and testing the hydrogeology , this paper discusses that different pump equipments make different water_leap values.

第四纪钻孔与基础地质、水文地质钻孔有所不同,常有更为复杂的测试和实验资料。Quaternary borehole differs from that of fundamental geology and hydrogeology as it has more complicated testing and experimental data.

分析了四川冕宁大桥水库坝区和库区的水文地质和工程地质条件。The hydrogeology and engineering geology settings of the area of Daqiao reservoir and its dam, Mianning, Sichuan province are analyzed.

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本文阐述了环境同位素在地下水研究中的作用和饮马河流域水文地质概况。Effect of environmental isotopes on studying groundwater in YinMahe drainage basin and the regional hydrogeology are described in this paper.

由于红层总体强度低,又多夹层和其它不良盐类的存在,因而具有特殊的水文地质与工程地质特性。Due to low strength, weak interlayers and Dissoluable rock, Redstrat-ums have a special characteristic of hydrogeology and engineering geology.

为加快云锡区域内矿山的建设。对个旧东区进行了水文地质调查,掌握了区域性矿山的水文地质特征、构造、水资源分布特征及矿床水文地质条件。In order to accelerate the construction of region mine in Yunan Tin Company, hydrogeology survey works have been done in the east area of Gejiu.

在讨论了系统域值所具有的三个数学性质的基础上,从理论上分析了系统域值的水文地质意义。On The basis of discussing three mathematic qualities, the meaning of Region—Value in the field of hydrogeology is expounded by theory analysis.

通过利用灰色理论预测柳河水系的干旱年,阐述了灰色理论预测随机水文要素的基本方法。The article is based on the gray theory to forecast the drought year of Liuhe water system and describes the basic method of hydrogeology elements.

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洛湛铁路益娄段地处岩溶发育区,水文工程地质条件复杂。YiyangLoudi section of LuoyangZhanjiang railway lies on karst geologic hazard area with complicated hydrogeology and engineering geology condition.

含油气盆地流体系统研究是现代水文地质学的一个新的研究领域,是油气成藏研究的一种有效途径。The research on fluid systems in a petroliferous basin is a new field of modem hydrogeology and a benefit way to study the hydrocarbon accumulation.

武汉地区二元结构软土层独特的水文地质特征决定了其深基坑降低地下承压水的特殊性。Unique hydrogeology feature of soft soil two-layer structure in Wuhan city determines particularity of decreasing confined water in deep excavation.