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另外也感谢您对布鲁斯特产品的兴趣。Thank you also for being interested in Brewster products.

布鲁斯特家族的每一个人都在谈论新的大型购物中心。Everybody in Brewster is talking about the city's new shopping mall.

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洛林和特丽萨是唯一的女同志居民布鲁斯特广场。Lorraine and Theresa are the only lesbian residents of Brewster Place.

你知道吗在这个病房里布鲁斯特已经试过勾引好几个护士了。You know Dr. Brewster has tried to seduce several nurses on this ward.

Brewster说过去几年西瓦帕克在渐渐的发生这变化。Brewster says things have changed in Svay Pak in the past several years.

创作这本书的想法来源于跟菲莉帕·布鲁斯特的谈话。The idea for this book grew out of conversations with Philippa Brewster.

这种方法是应用布如斯特定律在分光仪上实现测量固体的折射率。The method has been realized by using Brewster angle method on spectrometer.

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男孩,后三十年,是被迫放弃了她的家,搬到布鲁斯特广场。Mattie, after thirty years, is forced to give up her home and move to Brewster Place.

上述裁员和削减戏份的决定均基于财政,哦不出于剧集创新性考虑。The decision to cut Cook — and cut back Brewster — was made for financial creative reasons.

几乎所有在布鲁斯特的人都感到高兴,这里的新购物中心现在开张了。Almost all the people in Brewster are happy that their city's new shopping mall is now open.

我们处于三个社团环境之中,希望在每一个社团中都能扮演积极的角色。We live in three communities at Brewster and expect to play a significant role in all three.

布鲁斯特同意加入暗杀行动,暗杀团的人数则超过60人。Brewster Brewster agreed to join the assassination, assassination number more than 60 people.

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在21世纪,布鲁斯特将继续成为全球墙纸及相关产品的领导者,员工、产品和效率是公司的基石。Brewster Wallcovering will be the leader of wallcovering and related products in the 21 century.

布鲁斯特地点,被遗弃,只有在生命的希望和记忆的妇女一旦谁住在那里。Brewster Place, abandoned, lives on only in the hopes and memories of the women who once lived there.

本文讨论了腔内布儒斯特窗片对光路的影响。The effect of Brewster window inside a cavity on the radiation trajectory is discussed in this paper.

男孩,以及其他几个字符,到达地点布鲁斯特从她父母的家在南方。Mattie, along with several other characters, arrives in Brewster Place from her parents' home in the South.

随着兰德尔拒绝帮助他,现在由他的圈养大猩猩布鲁斯特和寻找合适的捐赠者。With Randall refusing to help him, it falls to Brewster and his captive gorilla to find appropriate donors.

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本是第一个非洲裔美国人生活在布鲁斯特的地方,他是最一致的数字社区。Ben is the first African-American to live in Brewster Place, and he is the most consistent figure in the community.

一个负责另一个图书电子化项目的档案管理员,说全球图书馆咫尺可见。Brewster Kahle, an archivist overseeing another scanning project, says that the universal library is now within reach.

Kiswana布朗不同于所有布鲁斯特地点的其他居民,她选择了生活在那里自愿。Kiswana Browne is different from all of Brewster Place's other residents in that she has chosen to live there voluntarily.