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我的天使,我的公主。Bonne chance, my angel and princess.

该公司全资拥有的博讷机会内华达州。The company is wholly owned Bonne Chance NV.

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跟一个领袖住在同一个屋檐下也很有社会压力。To be living in the same house with a president. Bonne nuit , cher Daddy.

我们觉得巴黎晚安酒店十分迷人,悠闲,舒适也非常浪漫。We found Bonne Nuit Paris charming, laid-back, accomodating and very romantic.

我们希望她再接再厉,在这段新的人生探险历程中大获成功!We wish her a "bonne continuation" and great success in this new life adventure!

杰奎琳一只手稳稳地拿起烛台,“先生们,晚安,”她喃喃地说。Jacqueline picked up the candlestick with a steady hand. "Bonne nuit , messieurs, " she murmured.

银石赛道是内华达州的鲍恩机会,这是注册持牌,全资拥有的公司,并在库拉索监管。Silverstone is a wholly owned company of Bonne Chance NV, which is incorporated, licensed, and regulated in Curacao.

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然而真正让他心烦意乱的是那三个男人居然还热情洋溢地一边祝他“晚安!”,一边拉上裤子拉链走人。But what really upset him was the cordial way all three wished him ' Bonne nuit ' as they zipped up their trousers and left.

灰口铁具有很好的阻尼特性,并且易于机械加工。它是125级和250级铸铁阀体阀门的阀体和阀盖的标准材料。Gray iron has excellent dampening properties and is easily machined. it is standard material for bodies and bonne ts of class125and250iron body valves.

即使你的孩子还不能很快和你进行法语对话,如果你每晚睡觉时间用法语说“晚安”,她也能明白你说的意思。So even though you probably won't be having a French conversation with your child very soon, if you say "bonne nuit" every night at bedtime, she'll figure out what you mean.