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文章主要对防卫过当的概念和本质进行了探讨。Chapter II, Concept and nature of Unjustifiable Self-defense.

阿才再一次拒绝了对方的无理要求。A just rejected the unjustifiable demand of the other side again.

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第四章防卫过当的主观罪过形式。Chapter IV, The Criminal Subjective of Unjustifiable Self-defense.

恐惧是幸福最大的破坏者,而多数恐惧是毫无根据的。Fear is the great destroyer of happiness, and most fears are unjustifiable.

应该是说我一和你吵架,我就会蛮横无理的跟你提分手。I should say I have a quarrel with you, I would unjustifiable to break up with you.

我认为,卫报的几位撰稿人来了个离谱的大跃进。Several writers for the Guardian have made what I believe is an unjustifiable leap.

防卫过当制度是正当防卫制度的重要补充。The unjustifiable self-defense is an important supplement to the justifiable self-defense.

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对于确属坚持错误意见和无理要求的人,要给以批评教育。Those who cling to erroneous views and unjustifiable demands shall be educated by criticism.

防卫过当的罪过形式是防卫过当制度争议最大的问题,存在诸多观点和学说。The Subjective is the most argument issue of Unjustifiable Self-defense, has many viewpoints.

有太多很好构思的概念被毫无道理的私下的限制所妥协。Too many well-conceived concepts have been compromised by unjustifiable backroom constraints.

阿富汗部长委员会星期一发表声明,谴责这一事件“没有正当性”。The Council of Ministers released a statement Monday condemning the incident as "unjustifiable."

防卫过当的程度要件是区分正当防卫与防卫过当的关键所在。The degree element of Unjustifiable Self-defense is the key to distinguish it from Justifiable Self-defense.

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我们不相信重新发明的轮子,而且定义我们自己的切入点表达语言是不合理的。We do not believe in reinventing the wheel, and defining our own pointcut expression language was unjustifiable.

防卫过当是正当防卫制度中的重要内容,防卫过当认定也是司法实践中的疑难问题之一。Unjustifiable Self-defense is an important content of Justifiable Self-defense, of which the holdis difficult to solve.

被发现有不合理男性和女性的比例差异的公司会受到警告,他们会被上诉法院的。Companies found to have unjustifiable discrepancies between male and female redundancy rates are being warned they face court.

第六条实施旅游行政许可,不得在法定条件之外附加任何不正当要求。Article 6 No unjustifiable requirement may be added to those statutory conditions for the implementation of administrative licensing.

财务人员在工作中必须坚持原则,遵守财务制度,对不符规定的借款一律拒绝支付。Financial staff shall adhere to principles and financial policies as well as refuse to provide unjustifiable borrowing without exception.

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但是第五次没有打破“围剿”而被迫突围时,还表现了不应有的仓卒从事。When we were compelled to break through the enemy's encirclement after the failure to smash his fifth campaign, we showed an unjustifiable haste.

一般来说,国际社会一致视卡特尔组织联合定价是对竞争施加不正当的限制的经济犯罪行为。As a general matter, there is an international consensus about the economic evils of price-fixing cartels as unjustifiable restraints of competition.

历史上的低利率和由此产生的不合理预算赤字对美国经济的危害远远大于低估的人民币。The historically low interest rates and unjustifiable budget deficits involved were far more harmful to the American economy than the undervalued yuan.