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哎哟,我踢伤脚趾头了。Ouch! I stubbed my toe.

他在她面前碰了一鼻子灰。He stubbed his toe before her.

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他在地板上踩熄了他的香烟。He stubbed out the cigarette on the floor.

他用脚把香烟踩灭了。He stubbed the cigarette out with his foot.

他在烟灰缸内捻灭了他的香烟。He stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray.

我的脚趾碰上了桌子腿。I stubbed my toe against the foot of the table.

那么再向那残垣断壁靠近一点,一旦一根圆木。Then came a bit of stubbed ground, once a wood.

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她只抽了一口香烟就把它掐灭了。She stubbed out the cigarette after the first puff.

他私底下喜欢跳“扭断脚趾的舞”。He prefers to do the "stubbed toe dance" in private.

宾克的脚趾头踢到了一块锋利的碎石块。Then Bink stubbed his toe on a sharp fragment of stone.

由于天暗看不见,他的脚趾碰到了桌子脚。As it was dark, he stubbed his toe against the table leg.

就连一只撞伤的脚趾头也能让人把爱情暂放一边。One can forget one' s love for a period even over a stubbed toe.

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我的那个‘一路呜、呜、呜地哭回家’的小脚趾给碰了一下。I stubbed the little piggy that went 'whee, whee, whee all the way home. '

一位老妇人问我怎么了,我只得假装踢到脚趾了。An old lady asked me what was wrong and I had to pretend I'd stubbed my toe.

在创建的这个类之后,我们就能够将注意力转移到创建策略文档上了。With the class stubbed out, we can turn our attention to creating the policy document.

是否想过你的女朋友或者老婆对压伤的手指或者被绊的脚趾会有过度的反应?Ever thought your girlfriend or wife was overreacting to a crushed finger or stubbed toe?

开始编写单一方法的实现,而无需去掉大部分模型。You start coding the implementation of single methods without much of the model stubbed out.

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内部和外部的界面可能是利用残断的数据输入和截留的数据输出来测试的。Internal and external interfaces may be tested using stubbed data input and trapped data output.

走到九点钟,他在一块岩石上绊了一下,因为极端疲倦和衰弱,他摇晃了一下就栽倒了。At nine o'clock he stubbed his toe on a rocky ledge, and from sheer weariness and weakness staggered and fell.

迈克尔掐灭了香烟头,穿上了工作裤,工作衫,戴上了大多数西西里男子常戴的那种鸭嘴帽。Michael stubbed out his cigarette and put on work pants, work shirt and the peaked cap most Sicilian men wore.