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我喜欢做日光浴。I like to sunbathe.

狗为什么害怕沭日光浴?。Why are dogs afraid to sunbathe?

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他宁愿晒日光浴也不去游泳。He wanted to sunbathe rather than swim.

他宁愿晒日光浴,也不愿去游泳。He wanted to sunbathe rather than to swim.

游客晒着日光浴在海水里嬉戏。Tourists sunbathe and frolic in the ocean.

你甚至可以在海滩上阳光浴。You can even take a sunbathe on the beach.

你可以喝点饮料,同时你可以进行日光浴。You can drink some juice and you can sunbathe.

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她喜欢在自己僻静的花园里晒日光浴。She liked to sunbathe in the seclusion of her own garden.

我等不及要跳下水和做一整天的日光浴了!I can't wait to jump into the water and sunbathe all day long!

那些喜欢晒日光浴的人也欢迎以这种方式来做。Those who love to sunbathe are also welcome to do so in this fashion.

今天可是个好天气,我们陪家人到户外沐浴一下阳光吧。Today's weather is very nice. Let us sunbathe with our family outdoors.

石头墙划分创建出小空间来进行不受干扰的日光浴。Stone walls divide and creates small spaces where to sunbathe undisturbed.

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当我累了的时候,我就回到海滩上的遮阳伞下进行日光浴,并且和我的家人一起喝可乐。When I get tired I go back to our beach umbrella to sunbathe and drink Coke with my family.

跟朋友一起日光浴如果是私人沙滩,不要介意不穿衣服晒太阳。Go tanning with your friends don't be afraid to sunbathe topless if you are on a private beach.

如果天气不太冷,坐在沙滩上是个不错的选择,放松甚至在夏天享受日光浴。If it is not too cold, the beach is a nice place to sit, relax and even sunbathe in the summer.

很多家庭选择出去度假,可能去科罗拉多滑雪,或者去福罗里达州游泳和晒日光浴。Many families choose to go away for the holidays, perhaps to ski in Colorado or to swim and sunbathe in Florida.

那些喜欢日光浴的人们现在去海滩之前都要穿上长袖的衬衫,带上一顶软软的帽子。People who used to sunbathe on the beach now don long-sleeved shirts and floppy hats when they head to the sand.

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而十年之后的圣诞节早晨,我又回到了这片有着河马冲浪水牛日光浴的沙滩。Christmas morning a decade later, and here I was back on that same beach, where hippos surf and buffalo sunbathe.

在池塘的内部和周遍我们放了一些圆木,以便各种各样的鸟栖息,乌龟和青蛙也可以爬上来晒太阳。We have some logs in and around the water for various birds to perch on and for the turtles and frogs to sunbathe.

你不但可欣赏郊野公园的优美景色,更能品尝令人垂涎的海鲜美食及在沙滩上享受日光浴。You can experience the sublime beauty of country parks, indulge yourself in the excellence of seafood and sunbathe on beaches.