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我估量她有30岁。I estimate her age at 30.

你们能给我一个估价单吗?Will you give me an estimate?

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您那时是根据什么做出这个估算的?On what do you base this estimate?

我们的评估依赖于一个等式。Our estimate rests on an equation.

我估计那项损失达8000元。I estimate the damage at 8000 yuan.

在最初的成本估算时将它算在内了吗?Is it covered in the cost estimate?

评估测试的时间和花费。Estimate the time and cost of testing.

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此信在伦敦一家拍卖行以404,000美元的高价售出,是售前估价的25倍。That was 25 times the presale estimate.

如今,他们估计,到2100年,气温升高的中间值是5.2度。Now the median estimate is 5.2C by 2100.

对每个选择的潜在收益作出估计。Estimate potential rewards for each pick.

估计"摄入量"是很困难的It's very difficult to estimate portions.

你的估价单被卖家回绝了。Your estimate was rejected by the seller.

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而且这只是一个相当保守的估计。And that's a pretty conservative estimate.

我们很乐意为你提供免费的估价单。We'd be happy to offer you a free estimate.

我并没有仔细统计过。I don't really have a good estimate of that.

对自己要有正确的估价。One must have a correct estimate of oneself.

但,记住,这只是一些粗糙的计算估计。But, remember, this is a very rough estimate.

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此前的估计是713.6亿卢比。The earlier estimate was 71.36 billion rupees.

它可使我们能估计余项。It makes us possible to estimate the remainder.

你最好复核一下上次的估价。You had better countercheck that last estimate.