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疟疾病人间歇地发热。The malaria victim fevers intermittently.

间歇泉是一种间歇喷发的温泉。A geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring.

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果园和森林交叉着延伸近200公里。The orchards and forests run intermittently for nearly 200km.

戴连指手套儿的人间歇地介入汇款。the man with mittens intermittently intervened the remittance.

斜长岩组中的矿层仅断续出露。Seams in the anorthosite series are only intermittently exposed.

法国和英国间的一系列间断性战争。The series of wars fought intermittently between France and England.

一个打印头电缆故障点,以可导致间歇性丢失。A faulty printhead cable can cause dots to be missing intermittently.

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他同她保持着联系,尽管只是微弱的时断时续的联系。He kept in contact with her, if only very tenuously and intermittently.

间断缝合人工机械二尖瓣膜和主动脉瓣膜。Artificial mechanical aortic and mitral valves were intermittently sutured.

是否有机器是备用的或只是间断性或季节性使用?。Are any of the machines standby or only intermittently or seasonally in use?

船的左右舷处都涌动着海浪泛起的泡沫。The foaming line of surf stretched port and starboard, broken intermittently.

就这样停停走走,走走停停,当我们到达大方的时候已经快7点了!Thus we moved ahead intermittently and it was almost 7 when we reached Dafang!

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修复一个系统在引导时间歇性挂起的问题。Fixed an issue that system intermittently hangs during boot up to DOS repeatly.

他主要和母亲住在一起,但他父亲偶尔也会来看他。He lived mostly with his mother, although his father was around intermittently.

六方会谈于2003年启动,时断时续地取得了参差不齐的成果。The talks started in 2003 and have proceeded intermittently with mixed results.

在河北省,当地媒体报导几家主要钢铁公司都间歇停产了。In Hebei, local media report that several steel companies are intermittently idle.

相反,他看上去无趣、疲惫、偶发的焦虑并且有时甚至躁动不安。Instead he looks bored, tired, intermittently anxious and sometimes almost excited.

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结果显示,基因突变小鼠的心脏会间歇性的漏掉一拍。The results showed that the hearts of the mutated mice skipped beats intermittently.

兴建石林的历程一直持续到大约公元前1500的青铜时代。Work on the henges continued intermittently into the Bronze Age, until about 1500 BC.

输注PRO,酌情静注芬太尼、维库溴铵维持麻醉。Anesthesia was maintained with PRO and intermittently intravenous fentanyl, vecuronium.