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切勿吸入蒸汽。S23 Do not breathe vapour.

水如何能变成蒸汽呢?How can the water become vapour?

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产生蒸汽云爆炸,伴有榴散弹!Vapour Cloud Explosion with shrapnel !

云是天空中的水汽团。A cloud is a mass of vapour in the sky.

云是由水蒸汽凝缩而成的。A cloud is a condensation of water vapour.

电子控制器汽体回收。Electronic Controller for vapour recovery.

热蒸汽从一个生了锈的管子里喷了出来。The hot vapour spouted from a rusted pipe.

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当水蒸气上升时,云就在空中形成了。As water vapour rises, clouds form in the air.

那一团模糊的银白星云就是银河系的所在了。A faint silvery vapour stood for the Milky Way.

明亮的雾气在罗伯利上空飘游。Bright volumes of vapour through Lothbury glide.

云是由凝聚的水蒸气构成的。Clouds are formations of condensed water vapour.

原来你所说的一切不过都是过眼云烟。The original everything you say it is even a vapour.

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在炽热的太阳照耀下,沙漠腾起股股热浪。Heat vapour steamed the desert under the blazing sun.

水在一定的情况下变为冰或蒸汽。Water becomes ice or vapour under certain conditions.

你说的你爱我,现在全都变成了过眼云烟。You say you love me, now all turn into even a vapour.

易溶于有机溶剂,易吸湿,在空气中与水蒸汽反应而冒烟。It can easily react with water vapour and fume in air.

用户现在可以计算的渗入的水蒸汽。Users now can calculate the permeance of water vapour.

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蒸气压是一个重要的产品规格。Vapour pressure is an important product specification.

酸蒸汽涌进兴旺的面粉厂。The sour vapour pours into the flourishing flour factory.

云是由大气中的水蒸气凝结成的。A cloud is a condensation of water vapour in the atmosphere.