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你想得到预见胎记吗?Would you want the birthmark?

我右眼上长着一块胎记。I have a birthmark on my right eye.

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如果是平的有可能只是一般的胎痣。If it is flat may only have general birthmark.

整体的,2505名儿童有档案明确记载或可疑的胎记。Oerall, 2505 children had a documented definite or suspected birthmark.

整体的,2505名儿童有档案明确记载或可疑的胎记。Overall, 2505 children had a documented definite or suspected birthmark.

胎记治疗哪里好?胎记治疗平安吗?Where is a good treatment of birthmarks? Birthmark treatment of peace it?

外语培训麦兜是一只右眼上有个胎记的小猪。McDull is a male pig who can be distinguished by a birthmark on his right eye.

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她擦了擦孩子的额头,化妆品所掩盖的一小块胎记露了出来。When she rued the forehead, makeup came off what was covering a small birthmark.

孕妇须选择适当的食物,否则生下的孩子会有胎记。A pregnant woman must eat the right food, or she will give her child an unwanted birthmark.

方贵用钱找人寻找脖子上有红色胎记的人,他希望方梳子的在天之灵能帮忙。Red birthmark Fang Gui money for someone looking for neck, he hopes to comb the soul can help.

这时,又有一个名叫萨拉的女孩生来在肩膀上带着一块龙形的胎记。At this time, another Mingjiaosala girls are born in the shoulder with a dragon-shaped birthmark.

感伤是“五四”新文学的精神胎记。Sentimentality was the spiritual birthmark of the new literature of the May Fourth Movement Period.

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他记得在梦中自己和助手阿敏达,正在通过手术尽力想去掉妻子脸上那块痣。He had imagined himself with his assistant Aminadab trying to remove the birthmark with an operation.

“艾尔默,”乔治娜说,“我不知道对我们来讲,去掉这块痣的代价有多大。"Aylmer, " said Georgiana, "I do not know what the cost would be to both of us to remove this birthmark.

我平生第一次觉得我脸上的那块深红色的手状胎记,是那么的惹人讨厌。For the first time I found the birthmark on my face, a small crimson hand shaped mark, became a nuisance.

噢,我想起来了。你左边屁股上有块胎记。不信现在就验验。Oh, I remember now. You have a birthmark right on your left butt cheek. You may want to show us that too.

有时候汉娜穿一件连衣裙,它的领口很大,以致她左肩膀上面的一块胎痣都露了出来。Sometimes Hanna wore a dress with a neckline low enough to reveal the birthmark high on her left shoulder.

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娶了白玫瑰,白玫瑰就是衣服上的一粒饭渣子,红的还是心口上的一颗朱砂痣。Married white roses and white rose is a grain of rice clothes! Red or words on a single cinnabar birthmark.

毛寿良被常宝龙指责滥用职权,他仍想方设法查找脖子上有红色胎记的人。Mao Shouliang Chang Baolong accused of abusing his power, he is still trying to find his neck red birthmark.

她的头发软且细,圆脸,单眼皮,左膝盖下10厘米处有个胎记。She has short, soft but thin hair, a round face with single-fold eyelids and a birthmark 10 cm below her left knee.